Lastly, the story to be remembered was originally understood to refer to a generic condition but is now taken by some to refer specifically to the
Golden Calf.
I contend that guns have become like a
golden calf, a version of religion in many places in the United States.
A reflection on guns and golden calves
Golden Calf accounts are clearly responses to a major societal upheaval, the division of the Monarchy, whereas the Nebuchadnezzar vignette relates obviously to the position of Jews in the Diaspora vis-a-vis royal control of religion.
Images of Others: Iconic Politics in Ancient Israel
Is there a lesson here in the apparent rejection of the established Church in favour of some
golden calf idolatry?
Wood you Adam and Eve all that
Although she writes that the inclusion of quotations from Ilf and Petrov's The
Golden Calf, the supreme Soviet satire, is her way of paying "homage to [her] literary predecessors," the passages, in fact, enrich her essays with burlesque.
Dubravka Ugresic. Nobody's Home
Our sages tell us that after G-d found the people of Israel worshipping the
Golden Calf, following what they thought was Moses not returning to them, the Almighty wanted to destroy the entire nation.
Meaning of life as a spiritual leader; Faiths IN OUR CITY
golden calf. My No God has two dogs: Night and Day.
Song of No God
He was impressively authoritative in the
Golden Calf aria, and naturally drew all eyes with his acid wit and mordant comedy.
Golden Calf, left, said to be the highlight with an estimate of pounds 8million-pounds 12million, sold for pounds 10.3million.
Searching Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman antiquity for sources that clarify the meaning of the Pauline phrase, he argues that it should be understood as metaphor, and that its taproot is found in Israel's worship of the
golden calf.
Greed as Idolatry: The Origins and Meaning of a Pauline Metaphor
In speaking of Israel's apostasy in their worship of the
golden calf, he writes:
Worship God's way
QUIZ CHALLENGE: 1 Tom Jones; 2 A
golden calf; 3 Sudan; 4 Vladimir; 5 The Nimrod.
A grainy reproduction of Poussin's The Adoration of the
Golden Calf stands at the heart of W.
What Do Pictures Want? The Lives and Loves of Images
Set during the Second World War, her performance as a Jewish girl who falls in love with a Nazi officer, played by Sebastian Koch, has won her a
Golden Calf, the Dutch film industry's Oscar.
Carice loves her Nazi ..and the bagpipes; MOVIE EXCLUSIVE