get the picture
get the picture
To understand the real or overall meaning of a situation, without the need for further explanation. OK, I get the picture. I'll start looking for somewhere else to stay. A: "So first I broke up with him, then we got back together, then he broke up with me, then we got back together, then—" B: "I get the picture." I know it's annoying to make all these copies, but the boss specifically asked me to have you do it—get the picture?
See also: get, picture
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
get the picture
see under get the message.
See also: get, picture
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
get the picture
INFORMALCOMMON If you get the picture, you understand what is happening in a situation. Anna was giggling. She was beginning to get the picture. They smoke, they play snooker, they do the pools. You get the picture, I'm sure. Note: This expression is often used in when someone does not understand something immediately.
See also: get, picture
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.
get the picture
understand a situation. informalSee also: get, picture
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
get the ˈpicture
(spoken) understand something: I get the picture — you want me to keep it a secret.See also: get, picture
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
Get the picture?
verbSee Get the message?
See also: get
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- Get the picture?
- verbum sat sapienti (est)
- get the word
- lose the drift (of something)
- because is why
- explain (someone or something) to (one)
- explain to
- if it hadn't been for (someone or something)
- if it wasn't/weren't for...
- if it weren't for (someone or something)