

Frightening, chilling, or disturbing. With so much traffic, cycling in this city can be a hair-raising experience. Walking through that graveyard last night was quite hair-raising. The film is very good, but it's a bit of a hair-raising experience; it doesn't shy away from intense subject matter.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • harrowing experience
  • graveyard shift
  • boneyard
  • factory
  • bone factory
  • give (one) the heebie-jeebies
  • give (something) a go
  • piss off
  • scare out of
  • scare out of (someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
rj huddersfield examiner Most discussed stories on Facebook Hair-raising! Car ploughs through Waterloo salon wall - just feet away from staff and customers Was there yesterday and feel so sorry for the girls.
HAIR-RAISING ADVICE Don't enter into a crop lightly, especially if you're a lifetime long-haired candidate.
HAIR-RAISING A mountain biker experiences the thrill of the Kidland downhill course.
The tale is told at a hair-raising pace, generously spiced with ironic asides which had me chuckling throughout, while completely hooked on the adventure.
HAIR-RAISING fundraiser George Holmes shows off his amazing long locks hours before his first trim in SEVEN years.
They also performed several ecstatic duets for which they became famous, including Assaf Messerer's Moskowski Waltz, which featured hair-raising leaps and catches, and wild, air-borne lifts and runs.
Original, entirely absorbing, and frequently hair-raising, this Gothic police procedural is also as grim and lurid as one can get.
Slashified pool riding, hair-raising Washington Street skate footage, street skating straight from the gutter, and slams peppered throughout that made your face wince to watch them.
Ward wrote, "In place of such superstitious hype, I offer far more dangerous, hair-raising, melodramatic, and magical tales."
Extreme sports fans, get ready for the latest hair-raising event: extreme ironing.
While studying mice, Nini Guo--a biologist at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland--found a hair-raising gene (unit of hereditary material), named "Frizzled6." Guo says a similar gene is found in people too.
Bayona should be reminded that these letters are read primarily by highly logical business people who are discerning once they have all the hair-raising facts on Peru at that time: hyperinflation, terrorism, and drug trafficking.
Members of the Public Relations Consultants Association (PRCA) throughout the Midlands had a hair-raising time on Friday when they took part in Comic Relief's Red Nose Day 2003.
Balashova, who is the main editor of the Sluzhenye NGOs' newsletter, learned of these hair-raising statistics at a TB conference and was inspired to launch the initiative.
HAIR-RAISING: Wales celebrated a silver medal in the Commonwealth Games last night as Matthew Elias pushed England's Chris Rawlinson all the way in the men's 400m hurdles.