had rather (do something)
had rather (do something)
Would prefer to do something; would be more inclined or willing to do something. A less common variant of "would rather (do something)." I had rather not talk to you right now. I had rather go see a movie, to be honest, but we can go dancing if you like.
See also: rather
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
had rather do something
and had sooner do somethingprefer to do something. (The had is usually expressed as the contraction, 'd.) I'd rather go to town than sit here all evening. They'd rather not.
See also: rather
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
had rather
Also, had sooner. Would prefer. For example, I had rather you let me do the driving, or He'd sooner switch than fight. This idiom today is often replaced by would rather. [Late 1500s] Also see just as soon.
See also: rather
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
- had rather
- had rather do
- would rather
- would rather...
- rather than
- walk the line
- well padded
- sooner rather than later
- make a day/night/week of it
- make a night of it