The Douvan of old would be a stonking bet at 4-1 but can we put any faith - or any of our
folding stuff - on a horse we haven't seen for a year?
GAMBLING But you don't travel to racecourses to admire the scenery, you go to win money and never have I been more in need of some of the
folding stuff than I am now.
Five more fun horse racing facts you never wanted to know. DOUBLE HANDFUL
I'm as proud a Scot as anyone, but I really don't need to declare this in my choice of
folding stuff, and I noticed this attitude first developed from around 2008 when we discovered what a bunch of chancers and crooks had taken charge of our historic Scottish banks.
Regional banks' traditional sterling banknotes defeat their purpose
Young Tourette's sufferer Ross Macpherson clearly knows the value of the
folding stuff.
Fold medallist; YOUNG SCOT 2015 MODEL PUPIL UP FOR TOP AWARD; Tourette's boy sells origami for charity
Indeed, come December 25 most of us would be perfectly happy never to look at another sheet of the
folding stuff again.
Creating Christmas; ENTERTAINMENT 1 It's not just Disney's The Lion King which will be wowing audiences at the Wales Millennium Centre this Christmas. For the iconic venue has commissioned an artist to transform the building and bring a festive feel. Nathan Bevan pays him a visit
So to preserve this important part of Huddersfield's heritage you know where to throw your coins - and possibly even the
folding stuff - this weekend.
Access to abundant mountains of
folding stuff - Final salary pension plan & early retirement (Depreciation of you by your friends/family as they smell you getting progressively older and see you growing more smug as you approach retirement) = Long term prosperity with a fixed smile (Courtesy of 'the' face lift)
Today Translations Announces Winner of Its "Theory of Prosperity" Competition
The problem is that to access that feel-good factor, you usually have to fork out fair bit of that
folding stuff. But there are exceptions.
Insignia has feel-good factor
And, with a real-world fuel economy around 35mpg, the owner is going to have enough of the
folding stuff spare to make sure their partner for the evening can pop as many corks as they want!
CUNNING OLD FOX; Charming Citron is smooth mover
The danger comes from a different type of green - the
folding stuff padding the pockets of all those banking bozos.
In a time of a world crisis, world crisis, there's only one man for the job... Robert Peston
Websites like Facebook, which has earned founder Mark Zuckerberg billions of the
folding stuff, have changed social intercourse for ever.
Inside View: Remote flirting? You cannot be serious... IN ASSOCIATION WITH BARCLAYS
So the real reason to roll up at the Town Hall door on Wednesday with your
folding stuff in hand is twofold: Sugar Beats and Summary.
MUSIC: The beautifully-restored Town Hall is the place to be; Peter Bacon's Jazz Diary
Pity the rich men (because they'll almost all be men) as they fork in the foie gras and the
folding stuff.
Football: 40 years of hurt... WORLD CUP 2006 Dodgy deal makes rich men poorer
FOLDING STUFF: Pauline Siu of the Merseyside Regional Chinese Association with an origami peacock made of Lottery tickets.
08 Create: East your eyes on Chinese arts
at a glanceStar performance The burst that took Gift Horse to the front of the Stewards' Cup field had to be seen to be believed There's a time and a place ``We don't talk about money, especially on the eve of the sabbath'' - Jim Bolger keeps quiet about the
folding stuff after Alexander Goldrun's Nassau triumph Sky-high triumph The BBC's use of stunning overhead shots during races highlighted both the complexity and the beauty of racing atGoodwood like never before m Results and analysis start page 55
Goodwood: Forward Move finds top gear at last and starts living up to his big reputation