folding money

folding money

Paper money, especially in large amounts. Boy, I bet you had to lay down some serious folding money for that new sports car, huh? How much folding money is this repair job gonna cost me? Now, don't go shelling out all your folding money at once just because you've gotten your first paycheck.
See also: fold, money
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

folding money

bills of various dollar denominations. I don't want a check. Give me folding money! You got any folding money with you?
See also: fold, money
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

folding money

and folding stuff
n. U.S. paper bank notes, as opposed to coins. All I got is change—no folding stuff. Sorry, I don’t have any folding money with me. Can you pick up the bill?
See also: fold, money
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • folding stuff
  • green folding
  • green folding stuff/money
  • be rolling in money
  • chip in for (something)
  • color of someone's money, see the
  • funny money
  • come into (some) money
  • come into money
  • coin money
References in periodicals archive
The third round of the 88-peg Drennan Northern League proved to be a record breaker for Richard Bezemer (North Ormesby Institute) who feeder- fished caster, red maggot and worm at distance to take a cracking 44lb 10oz net of bream from the Bowesfield stretch to win the match and a pocket full of folding money.
"The simple and irrefutable truth;' he writes, "is that no human being would rather break his back in the cotton field than take in good folding money by making records." As for the "raw truth" of the blues, "in the recording studio, the blues, like everything else, was...calculated to take the fancy of the marketplace."
The Lapdog costs pounds 96 in folding money and consists of a folding carry-case, with fold-out pockets for sweets and PDAs.
I learned the hard way that cheap dry bags aren't worth the soggy folding money you stored inside them.
So after doing some simple maths, by giving them folding money, you're actually giving them two presents for the price of one.
An exchange of folding money followed and for an outlay of just PS80, said table was in the back of the car.
That's pounds 280 in proper folding money, not the plastic stuff.
How I wish it were tomorrow, so that you could post me a card, ideally containing a gift of folding money.
'All the customers and passers-by were great and there was plenty of folding money going into the buckets along with the coppers.'
Each student collected pennies in a jar on his or her desk, while other coins and even folding money went into a jar on the desk of teacher Jenny Groshong.