

Nonsense or foolishness. His explanation is total folderol and doesn't answer the question at all.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and folderol (ˈfɑldɚɑl)
n. wasted effort; nonsense. I had about enough of your falderal.


See falderal
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • falderal
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • pillow-biter
  • out of one's
  • (I've) got to go
  • #dead
  • save someone's skin
  • (something) blows
References in periodicals archive
Craig's major point is that Hobbes is closer to Plato (and even Aristotle) than he and his students have led us to believe, and, therefore, his argument that men are naturally equal is, in important respects, misleading folderol. The effect of Craig's bold thesis would be similar to learning that the village atheist is a secret Bible thumper, except that Craig 'suspect[s] that Hobbes is not even a Deist, much less a sincere Christian."
KN: Yet it simply is too soon to pronounce the sesquicentennial dead on arrival, as some essentially have, because it lacks national direction, a cohesive scholarly narrative, legislative largess, or widespread popular folderol like the beard-growing contests of 1961.
Would you pedestrianize the noblest office in the land just to make a feckless bid for inclusivity and folderol?"
I will say the one local Fox television station I occasionally check in on, WBFF in Baltimore, has a news report that seems to be straight-shooting and more serious than some of the folderol that mars most local television reporting.
These comprise, on the one hand, "language objects" (the intellectual trumpery of the policemen, de Selby's tomes, scholarly folderol) and, on the other, "objects to language," the panoply of intricate inventions or gizmos that play such an important role in the police barracks (microscopic chests, water-boxes, mangles).
The unabashed fantastical folderol! As if life could be like that, leaping into a song-and-dance spectacular at the drop of a hat, so full of romance and melodrama, of colour and glitter, the lavish, escapist, tonguein-cheek nonsense of India's tinsel town.
First, questioning the sanitized, agribusiness-approved PR folderol that passes as journalism nowadays does not mean a magazine or news outlet is biased, it means that it has integrity.
"She's not meant to be one of those Classical Types, like those folderol statues over at Mr.
To parody amorous hokum or court folderol, as he does
Lewis Carroll could have made a logical dream-joke of this, and ridiculed it, as an arithmetical bathos, but in Wordsworth's poem it is an accurate historical nightmarish foldedness (always shadowed by folderol or doggerel) of prosody into history and history into prosody.
(Olson drove a Ford Galaxy Station Wagon in Buffalo, the only car he considered up to his size.) Well of course Wms naturally cldnt be bothered with such folderol, for he was a local boy.
I think about those days now from time to time, and our many decades together and apart (she all folderol and fog and furs--because of her poor background, she kept items like old business-cards till they were mummified in Scotch Tape); with her French ways and Shalimar, she could bend the straightest arrow; for I know, in short, she was more myself than me.
Because of academic folderol, such works often do not translate into easy reading, but this is an exception.
a fertile field for strategic folderol. For example, class counsel might
"Many political advisers in both parties employ 'rhetoric' as a synonym for 'folderol,'" Gerson wrote.