Fly Away follows a previous film, All at Sea, and both are available as CDs and signed in Makaton, a communication system that uses signs and symbols to support spoken words.
Join Shabang! for a flight of fancy
When researchers, who were approaching foraging magpies, looked directly at the magpies, the magpies took the decisions faster regardless of whether the final decision was to return to foraging or to
fly away and whether the stress or danger perceived by a magpie was low or high.
Magpies take decisions faster when they are looked at directly
Blockbusters don't spotlight on...Jeff Daniels need much help." Today:
Fly Away Home, Five, 2.35pm.
spotlight on..
Fly Away," which first appeared last fall at Atlanta's Alliance as "Come Fly With Me," follows strangers in the night; they find each other in a bar, dance, fight and dance some more.
'Fly' doesn't soar
Honeybees that
fly away to die, queens abandoned in collapsing colonies, loads of brood left to starve beside untouched food stores.
Buzzing off
The lush
Fly Away briefly slows things down, but otherwise it's pure pop business as usual.
music: ERASURE Light At The End Of The World (Mute)
Make sure your birds are properly secured to the ground so they won't
fly away on their own when high winds kick up.
Tie it down and moor it!
By putting the system on a C-17, there is no limit to geographic location, and the aircraft can
fly away from or above the weather.
Air force print news (Oct. 7, 2005): Edwards, DARPA explore new C-17 capability
The repellent spray, which consists of a mix of natural ingredients, became a top-selling brand in the equine industry and today Ms Dolisznyj is managing director of her own company,
Fly Away.
Horse spray is off to a flyer horse
Her mouth smeared with blood, she holds a dove in her hand; the bird manages to
fly away, but after a reverse shot of the Japanese Hitch, whose face is exposed to a strong wind, the bird is again in the women's hands, apparently lifeless.
Johan Grimonprez: Palais des Beaux-Arts
"I started with core strength, because I had this very loose back and was one of those dancers who couldn't put all the body pieces together," Van Patten says, demonstrating how her long limbs used to
fly away from her torso.
Mind your body: Pilates or Gyrotonic? Don't be systematic
Lenny Kravitz's song
Fly Away provided the backdrop for the Nissan's original Xterra commercials.
Nissan gives buyers more Xterra to love
She thinks it might be because she had a dream, before they were born, that she could
fly away from the city slum where she lives.
It's normally cats who get stuck up trees - birds are meant to be able to
fly away home.
Firemen rescue flyaway budgie
Few of us have the kind of job in which we watch a year's worth of work
fly away in less than 2 1/2 minutes.
Jedi master: Industrial Light and Magic artist Billy Brooks fulfills a childhood dream by animating R2-D2 in this summer's new Star Wars movie. (Summer Movie Special)