abysmal failure

abysmal failure

Failure that is total and extreme in measure or implication. The business was an abysmal failure, and everyone was out of a job within a month.
See also: failure
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • failure
  • all duck or no dinner
  • into the shitter
  • the bigger they are, the harder they fall
  • the bigger they come, the harder they fall
  • the bigger they come/are, the harder they fall
  • bigger they are, the harder they fall
  • bigger they come, the harder they fall, the
  • bring (something) (down) about (one's) ears
  • bring something about your ears
References in periodicals archive
Logically, it points to bad leadership, abysmal failure of governments for ages.
It is clearer now than ever that the Trump Administration's border security and immigration policies -- that she enacted and helped craft -- have been an abysmal failure and have helped create the humanitarian crisis at the border."
"It is clearer now than ever that the Trump administration's border security and immigration policies - that she enacted and helped craft - have been an abysmal failure and have helped create the humanitarian crisis at the border," Thompson stated, adding, "It is truly unfortunate that Nielsen refused to take responsibility for her actions and was simply unable to lead and stand up to the president for his misguided, wall obsessed anti-immigrant agenda." Nielsen stood at the podium in the White House briefing room in June and insisted the administration did not have a policy of separating families and that only Congress could address the underlying issue.
Concurrently, Indian abysmal failure is not just due to the resilience of the Kashmirs freedom fighters but also due to the inhumane atrocities being committed by the brutal and occupied forces, which as a result led to the stronger resolve of Kashmirs cause.
By Washington's own admission, the Taliban still control large parts of the Afghan countryside, which in any case makes clear that the 'war on terror' or at the very least its Afghan theatre continues to be an abysmal failure more than 18 years after its initiation.
However, it is understandable that PTI would term the last three months a resounding success and its detractors would portray the government's performance as an abysmal failure. What is essential to analyze is whether the direction PTI has taken for reforms and governance looks promising or not.
LAHORE -- PML-N President, Shehbaz Sharif, while condemning the imposition of Governor's rule in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK), stated this action reflected the abysmal failure of New Delhi's Kashmir policy.
Ashrawi and her guests discussed "the latest global and regional developments and Israel's mad rush to create facts on the ground and an apartheid system of occupation and discrimination, as well as the United States and its abysmal failure to securing a just peace and guaranteeing the rights of the Palestinian people under international law and international humanitarian law," according to a press statement by Ashrawi's office.
Strange, but true, this abysmal failure of innumerable law-enforcing agencies and security forces, who are otherwise effectively combating Baloch separatists, indeed have nearly broken the back of the so-called nationalist insurgency.
By now it is established that the TCA is not working, or at best functioning just that tiny inch above abysmal failure which allow advocates to puff up an argument for it.With the exception of aforementioned religious moralists who have all but annihilated a core value of the Dharma; tolerance.
108) and finding that his teaching experience reveals the abysmal failure of students to manifest this complex set of skills.
"The appointment of Sharma by the government as its interlocutor for Jammu and Kashmir is nothing more than a tactic to buy time adopted under international pressures and regional compulsions and due to the abysmal failure of the state policy of military repression upon the people of Kashmir,"the statement said.
What is conspicuous by its absence, however, is the abysmal failure of the Foreign Office who have the absolute duty and responsibility - more so than tour firms - to do everything possible to safeguard British travellers abroad.
In Scotland, meanwhile, the SNP are very much on the back foot as growing numbers see through their obsession with constitutional politics and their abysmal failure in government.
But all said and done, the very fact that Pakistan-based militants can so easily hit at hard targets such as army bases indicates an abysmal failure of the government to come to terms with the problems of cross-border terrorism and deal with it sternly.