
Related to clam: clam up

(as) happy as a clam

Very joyful and contented. Look at your sister out there! She's happy as a clam now that she's back in the starting lineup again. I know I'll be as happy as a clam once I get this stupid cast off my leg.
See also: clam, happy

(as) happy as a clam in butter sauce

Very joyful and content. Look at your sister out there! She's happy as a clam in butter sauce now that she's back in the starting lineup again. I know I'll be happy as a clam in butter sauce once I get this stupid cast off my leg.
See also: butter, clam, happy, sauce

(as) happy as Larry

In very good spirits. The phrase's origin is unknown, but it may refer to Australian boxer Larry Foley. I was as happy as Larry when I found out that I'd gotten an A on my hardest exam.
See also: happy, Larry

(as) happy as the day is long

Very happy; contented. I've been happy as the day is long ever since we moved to the countryside. Johnny's in a bit of a bad mood, but just give him a new toy to play with and he'll be as happy as the day is long.
See also: happy, long

be (as) happy as a clam (at high tide)

To be very joyful and content. Clams are dug at low tide, so a clam at high tide would be able to remain uncaught. Look at your sister out there! She's happy as a clam at high tide now that she's back in the starting lineup again. I know I'll be happy as a clam once I get this stupid cast off my leg.
See also: clam, happy, high

clam up

To suddenly stop talking or refuse to speak, typically due to a particular reason. The phrase refers to a clam closing its shell. Naturally, everyone clammed up as soon as the check came. Our usual informant clammed up when he realized there was a mole in the department.
See also: clam, up

close as a clam

Safe from harm. Likened to a clam closing its shell to protect itself. All of the doors and windows are locked. Don't worry, we'll be close as a clam in here.
See also: clam, close

(as) happy as a clam at high tide

Very joyful and content. Clams are dug up at low tide, so a clam at high tide would be able to remain uncaught. Look at your sister out there! She's as happy as a clam at high tide now that she's back in the starting lineup again. I know I'll be happy as a clam at high tide once I get this stupid cast off my leg.
See also: clam, happy, high, tide

shut up like a clam

1. adjective Silent or laconic. Johnny's been shut up like a clam ever since he came back from the party. I hope he's OK. This town is always shut up like a clam after 9 PM. It's so boring!
2. verb To stop talking and refuse to speak. Whenever I ask her about her love life, she just shuts up like a clam.
See also: clam, like, shut, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

clam up

to say nothing. (Closing one's mouth in the way that a clam closes up.) The minute they got him in for questioning, he clammed up. You'll clam up if you know what's good for you.
See also: clam, up

*happy as a clam (at high tide)

 and *happy as a clam (in butter sauce); *happy as a lark; *happy as can be
contented; very happy. (*Also: as ~.) I've been as happy as a clam since I moved to the country. I don't need much. Just somewhere to live, some work to do, and a TV to watch, and I'm happy as a clam at high tide. Matthew was happy as a lark throughout his whole vacation. Bob was happy as can be when he won the lottery.
See also: clam, happy
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

clam up

Refuse to talk or respond, as in Whenever she asks her teenager about his activities, he clams up. This term alludes to the tightly closed valves of a live clam. [Slang; early 1900s]
See also: clam, up

happy as the day is long

Also, happy as a lark; happy as a clam (at high tide). Extremely glad, delighted, very cheerful, as in He was happy as the day is long, or When she heard the news she was happy as a lark, or Once I got the test results I was happy as a clam at high tide. The first of these similes dates from the late 1700s. The second alludes to the lark's beautiful, seemingly very happy, song. The third, from the early 1800s, alludes to the fact that clams can only be dug at low tide and therefore are safe at high tide; it is often shortened to happy as a clam.
See also: happy, long
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

shut up like a clam

If you shut up like a clam, you become very quiet and do not communicate with people because you are upset. When a teenager is worried, they may well shut up like a clam, not wanting to tell you what's wrong. Later, when I found I wasn't his only love, I shut like a clam and let no one close.
See also: clam, like, shut, up

happy as a clam

If you are happy as a clam, you are very happy. Join the other kids. Do that, and before you know it you'll be happy as a clam.
See also: clam, happy
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

(as) happy as the day is ˈlong/as a ˈclam/as ˈLarry

(informal) very happy: Grandpa’s as happy as a clam helping the children to fly their kites.
See also: clam, happy, Larry, long
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

clam up

v. Slang
To refuse to talk or to stop talking suddenly: The politician clammed up when the reporters started to ask about the scandal.
See also: clam, up
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.


1. n. a dollar. (Underworld.) You got a couple of clams I can bum for a little bottle?
2. n. a tight-lipped person. Suddenly, she became a clam and wouldn’t talk anymore.

clam up

in. to get quiet. (see also dummy up.) The minute they got him inside the cop-shop, he clammed up.
See also: clam, up
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

happy as a clam (at high tide)

Delighted with one’s lot. An American expression dating from the early nineteenth century, it comes from clamming, which involves digging clams out of the sand at low tide. At high tide it is difficult, if not impossible, to dig for clams. Safety thus is the obvious reason for the mollusk’s carefree state of mind.
See also: clam, happy, high
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • (as) happy as a clam
  • happy as a clam
  • happy as the day is long/as a clam/as Larry
  • Larry
  • (as) happy as can be
  • (as) happy as a clam in butter sauce
  • (as) happy as the day is long
  • happy as the day is long
  • tide
  • cut back to
References in periodicals archive
On Cassino Beach on the coast of Rio Grande do Sul where the yellow clam M.
She said it would therefore be illegal under Food Safety legislation to gather razor clams commercially for human consumption from this beach.
Phea said authorities prevent the unauthorised sale of clams to Vietnam to ensure ample supply for the local market as the area is being turned into a tourist attraction.
1998), as compared with culturing in sterile sea water containing clam tissues].
Sempepos still stops by the clam bar, said Yamali, who likes to kid him about putting him to work and shucking clams.
One potential avenue of exploration is to tease apart the developmental versus nutritional effects of Symbiodinium in giant clams. Biochemical or genetic pathways and mechanisms may help explain how symbionts influence development apart from providing nutritional products, but the lack of a published genome for any species of giant clam has hampered such mechanistic insight of symbiont-host interaction.
However, since the notice went up residents have reported seeing people harvesting the razor clams.
A genetic and physical analysis, however, shows this new clam is distinct from the others in its family in the river.
Depending on the size and species of the clam creating them, these holes can vary from as small as the tip of a pencil to about the size of a penny.
Breakdown of a symbiotic bond between seagrasses along the West African coast and tiny lucinid clams can exacerbate damage in hard times, researchers say online March 10 in Current Biology.
Rather, from Alaska to Washington, they cultivated productive clam gardens to ensure abundant and sustainable harvests.
The process of mass-producing buttons from clam shells in America started with John Frederick Boepple.
littleneck clams (about 41/2 dozen), scrubbed 2/3 cup dry white wine, such as Sauvignon Blanc
Some seven tons of fossilized giant clams (Tridacna gigas) worth about PHP28 million were recovered by authorities in Escalante City, Negros Occidental last Saturday.