deafening silence

deafening silence

A conspicuous and striking lack of noise or sound. Jim's proposal was met with deafening silence at the meeting. After living in the city all my life, I can't stand the deafening silence of the countryside.
See also: silence
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

deafening silence

A silence or lack of response that reveals something significant, such as disapproval or a lack of enthusiasm.
See also: silence
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
See also:
  • keep it down to a dull roar
  • take a turn for the worse
  • a big name/noise
  • a big noise
  • big noise
  • go bang
  • noise
  • on a (subject or activity) kick
  • know it all
  • know-it-all
References in periodicals archive
"I would call that a deafening silence from the U.S.
After a deafening silence, a voice from the rear of the church yelled out, "His brother was worse!"
Capturing astonishing oral histories that were handed down through generations of storytellers--like an 1856 incident involving the kidnapping of famous drummers and traders by Europeans and Americans--Bailey breaks the deafening silence around slavery and explores the delicate and fragmented nature of historical memory in this rare, unprecedented book.
Why were the revelations that should have set off alarms and started a media frenzy instead greeted with deafening silence? The Clinton administration and its allies in the Establishment press quickly branded any who challenged the official "McVeigh and Nichols only" scenario as "anti-government fanatics" and "conspiracy wackos" who were trying to exculpate McVeigh.
Oxymoron means a rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in deafening silence. Most of us are already familiar with standards jumbo shrimp and military intelligence.
The initial announcement was followed by a deafening silence from Tass and Baikonur, the Soviet space base in Kazakhstan: For three days there were no updates about Luna 15.
A deafening silence surrounds far worse human rights violations by numerous Third World regimes.
We were surprised in reading "How the church can guide your marriage" (June) by Lynda McDonnell, at the deafening silence regarding Natural Family Planning (NFP).
Scruffy heartland band (Wilco) makes its best record (Yankee Hotel Foxtrot) amid internal strife and shakeouts (two members fired); submits master tapes to its record label (Reprise, a subsidiary of AOL Time Warner); receives deafening silence (two weeks without any response), followed by demands for changes (due to "lack of commercial potential").
Everyone, for example, has noted Brown's deafening silence as Blair weathers a variety of sleaze and fundraising scandals.
Someone, somewhere should have done their best Winston Churchill and told the world, "This will not stand!" Instead, all we heard was deafening silence.
"The IOM revealed a deafening silence, where few errors get reported and few patients are aware of the risks they run in seeking care," said Sen.
Except for an occasional reference, there is a deafening silence on the role of women in the church.
Even more disconcerting is the deafening silence of our past leaders or those who aspire or aspired to be our leaders.
She said they had met "at times deafening silence" from the Health Secretary.