Some phrase about
dead men's shoes stirred in the sediment of her memory.
The former England boss revealed he did not want to appear to be waiting to step into "
dead men's shoes", but craved the chance to work again since his demise at Euro 2016.
Getting prime-time salmon fishing used to be a case of waiting for "
dead men's shoes".
Hungry years; RECORD ANGLING
had the misfortune to be waiting for
dead men's shoes all too long.
On This Day; ...100 YEARS AGO
I thought, 'Where did she come from and, more importantly, how did she get to be that person who dealt with discrimination, put-downs and had the bottle to say, 'I'm treading on
dead men's shoes'."
Turning the clock back on Tennison; Prime Suspect creator Lynda La Plante is bringing back Helen Mirren's best known TV role for a prequel. HANNAH STEPHENSON catches up with the author
All those young men that gave their lives for nothing, and still the silent trumpeter calls the young to put on
dead men's shoes and join the march to insanity.
Charles is brought to book by the truth; #Madeuthink
But among the second tier of council appointees much change is taking place, partly as a result of filling
dead men's shoes and partly as a result of clamour from within the Tory group.
Meteoric rise into the hot seat
Perhaps then the real point about the reforms, and their attempt to give value to the pitches while removing the old system of standing in
dead men's shoes, would have been appreciated better.
Sad list of 'if onlys' casts long shadow on pitch wars
See Donald Chisholm, Waiting for
Dead Men's Shoes: Origins and Development of the U.S.
Neatness doesn't count
While the immediate plunge into scholarly arguments might initially create the false impression that Waiting for
Dead Men's Shoes is simply a horribly swollen dissertation, it also underscores the fact that Chisholm's work is significant to a number of academic disciplines.
Waiting for Dead Men's Shoes: Origins and Development of the U.S. Navy's Officer Personnel System
While Case for Three Detectives actually does recommend three P.1.-like services (apparently assuming that people who read detective novels are looking for tips on how to investigate acquaintances), I'm not sure the owners of three shoe stores recommended in another search would appreciate the co-marketing connection with
Dead Men's Shoes.
Over our dead bodies. (Up Front)
it was, says one secretary, a case of waiting for
dead men's shoes.
Golf: Boom years finally over for golf clubs; Survey tells of vacancies re-emerging
Annan Athletic are walking in
dead men's shoes after entering the SFL.
102.5 clyde 1 superscoreboard HOTLINE
Promotion by seniority, waiting for
dead men's shoes, is a sad blow to efficiency, for it stifles initiative and offers no incentive." Yet for well over a century, promotion by seniority prevailed.
Waiting for Dead Men's Shoes: Origins and Development of the U.S. Navy's Officer Personnel System, 1793-1941. (Book Reviews)
His successor, Brian Horton, who has a habit of slipping comfortably into
dead men's shoes, overcame initial hostility from players and supporters and dragged his squad to safety, collecting 22 points from 18 games - equivalent to 56 over a whole season, which, coincidentally, is the same total past experience suggests we should expect now from a First Division team with the Valiants' final tally of 47.
Valiant Horton to defy fates again