Cambodian People's Party spokesman Sok Eysan said it is proper for the NEC to
draw lots for parties to be named on the ballot.
NEC warns press on elections
The incumbent was declared by
draw lots which was witnessed by the town's municipal local government operations officer (MLGOO) Franklin Medequiso, residents of Barangay Cabawan and representatives from the Department of the Interior and Local Government and Commission on Elections.
2 barangay captain bets in Bohol town draw lots after tie in votes
So the eliminator is to
draw lots. At this stage, it's hypothetical because Derry have to play Clare yet and if Derry win or draw, Dublin go through on points.
Coin toss call won't be altered
At least 22 states
draw lots to settle legislative ties.
10 The last straw
On Thursday, protesters tried to overrun a Bangkok sports stadium where election candidates were gathering to
draw lots for their positions on ballots.
Protester killed in new Thailand political violence
The editors of Science News keep weekly tabs on Web traffic, and sometimes the stories that
draw lots of eyes surprise us.
Online reader favorites
The interaction between Bush and Obama is sure to
draw lots of attention in this presidential election year.
Bush to return to White House to unveil official portrait
November Club - the award winning performing arts company - helped local people relive the excitement of the Twelfth Day Cake and associated party, where guests would
draw lots for characters they were to play over dinner.
FINALIST: Twelfth Day with the Delavals
Crappies remain the most popular panfish of In-Fisher-man readers, so no surprise that any mention of new lures for them always
draw lots of response.
Lures off the radar: a couple for crappies
CONDITIONS at the former Phurnacite plant near Aberdare were so oppressive men would
draw lots to decide who would work the dirtiest areas, a court was told yesterday.
'Men drew lots to decide who would work dirtiest areas'
When they finally reach the land of Canaan, for example, the Israelites divide the land by drawing lots, and they
draw lots again in Masada, selecting the few unfortunate swordsmen entrusted with setting the mass suicide in motion.
Playing the Odds
The appearance of Gaddafi so soon after the release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, who was convicted of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, is controversial and likely to
draw lots of attention in the US.
Protesters gather for Gaddafi
Little tweaks, like custom poured concrete courses, might prove to
draw lots of heroic board slingers to the melee.
Wipe out