"There's a lot a of compacted stones and tarmac making it harder for the water to
drain away despite the drainage channels they have put in." Fans are being kept informed on the club's website.
According to the investigation, the damage was caused by sabotage, in which someone had consciously made 65,000 litres (17,171 gallons) of lubricating oil to
drain away. This caused the turbine to overheat and the reactor to automatically switch off.
Electrabel expects to restart Doel 4 reactor by mid-Sep - report
Just open the plugs and your water woes will
drain away. Make sure that you replace the plugs when the hull has drained.
Drain away hull rust problems
When water simply won't
drain away, the RHS advises that you may have to replace the lawn with a new one, using turf laid on a 5cm (2in) bed of sharp sand, overlaid with topsoil improved by generous manuring and thorough cultivation.
Revive a waterlogged lawn and return it to its former glory; Now I know how Tips on doing DIY in style
"Simply by keeping a well-maintained lawn, providing somewhere for water to
drain away, we can all do our bit to prevent flood damage."
Don't let your lawn fall to bog standard; GARDENING Experts reveal how gardeners can revive their waterlogged grass and return it to its former glory
The new fabric works like human skin, forming excess sweat into droplets that
drain away by themselves, said Tingrui Pan, professor of biomedical engineering at the school, Micro-Nano Innovations Laboratory, where the product was invented.
Feeling the burn, not the sweat: waterproof fabrics that whisk away sweat could be the latest application of microfluidic technology developed by bioengineers at the University of California, Davis
The new fabric works like human skin, forming excess sweat into droplets that
drain away by themselves, said inventor Tingrui Pan, professor of biomedical engineering.
Now, waterproof fabric that drains sweat
Make sure any newly planted bare-root or rootballed trees which are in containers have good drainage and are slightly raised off the ground to allow excess water to
drain away. ?
Things to do this week
These two reasons are why we get so-called surface water that does not
drain away. This is what causes flooding in most houses and businesses.
We're blocked up; LETTERS
Stifle his/her initiative, frighten them and watch the energy
drain away!
The grooves slope to
drain away grease and fat, making it easy to clean.
Domestic goddess says
As it stands pools of water are forming on the Deva pitch as the heavy snow begins to thaw, while the ground is too frozen for the water to
drain away.
City face a lay-off
"There is a practical side to this as there are fewer and fewer places for rain water to
drain away so we are more likely to see flooding like we did last month.
North City News: Warning on paving; OSCOTT
But to those of us not asked to make a sacrifice in blood or treasure for this war, those of us whose duty has been limited to getting on with our lives and standing by while our constitutional rights
drain away and our legislative branch continues its self-degradation, this war reverberates only as an echo of something awful happening some place far away.
War wounds: here's a new strategy for victory in Iraq: surrender to the things we say we believe