even so

Related to even so: reluctant, discrepancy, along with, even if

even so

In spite of something; regardless. I know you're not happy with mom right now, but, even so, you should tell her that you arrived in London safely.
See also: even
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

even so

Nevertheless, still, that being the case. For example, That may be true, but even so we will investigate further, or She claimed it contained no garlic, but even so I could taste it. [Late 1300s]
See also: even
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

ˌeven ˈso

in spite of that: There are a lot of spelling mistakes; even so, it’s quite a good answer.
See also: even
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • in defiance of
  • in defiance of (something)
  • What number are you calling from?
  • even now
  • even now/then
  • even then
  • be it as it may
  • in spite of (something)
  • in spite of something
  • keep it between the ditches
References in periodicals archive
Even so, the sort of critique I am suggesting does have implications for any tradition passed on through texts.
Even so, Tine labeled the plan "pallid," saying it "avoids all the toughest issues" and charged Clinton with break news organizations, such as The Boston Globe, stated falsely that Clinton was trying to fob off Bush's old plan as his own.
Even so, if you talk to enough reporters, a pattern emerges.
Even so, even Hill and Knowlton couldn't put a happy face on the larger referendum picture: