
Related to days: Days of the week
  • (just) one of those days
  • (one's) lucky day
  • (someone's or something's) days are numbered
  • a field day
  • a matter of (something)
  • a matter of days, miles, pounds, etc.
  • a nine days' wonder
  • a rainy day
  • a Sabbath day's journey
  • a wonder lasts but nine days
  • bad hair day
  • bygone days
  • dark days
  • day off
  • days are numbered, one's
  • days are numbered, one's/his/its
  • days gone by
  • days hence
  • days of yore
  • days on end
  • days running
  • days, weeks, etc. hence
  • days, weeks, etc. on end
  • dog days
  • early days
  • end (one's) days
  • end (one's) life
  • end your days/life
  • for (some) days running
  • for days on end
  • glory days
  • good old days
  • good old days, the
  • halcyon days
  • happy days
  • have known better days
  • have seen better days
  • have seen/known better days
  • heavenly days
  • high days and holidays
  • in (one's) day
  • in (one's) heyday
  • in (one's) salad days
  • in all (one's) (born) days
  • in all my born days
  • in all one's born days
  • in salad days
  • in the days of Queen Dick
  • Is that what they're calling it these days?
  • it's early days
  • I've never (done something) in all my (born) days
  • live out (the rest of) (one's) days
  • live out days
  • make one's hair stand on end
  • nine days' wonder
  • not one's day, this is
  • of yore
  • oh my days
  • one of these days
  • one of these days is none of these days
  • one of those days
  • one's days are numbered
  • red-letter day
  • salad days
  • salad days, one's
  • seen better days
  • seen better days, have
  • seen better days, to have
  • someone's days are numbered
  • spend the rest of (one's) days
  • the Ancient of Days
  • the dog days
  • the good old days
  • the good/bad old days
  • the old days
  • these days
  • those were the days
  • to the end of (one's) days
  • weeks hence
  • weeks on end
  • your salad days
  • your, its, etc. days are numbered
References in classic literature
I read that God made man, and he made horses and all the other beasts, and as soon as He had made them He made a day of rest, and bade that all should rest one day in seven; and I think, sir, He must have known what was good for them, and I am sure it is good for me; I am stronger and healthier altogether, now that I have a day of rest; the horses are fresh too, and do not wear up nearly so fast.
Daylight increased the day's travel to thirteen hours.
"That we might have made the tour of the world in only seventy-eight days."
There was no chance, I was glad to think, as we set out on Sunday afternoon, of meeting Eric at the Hall, as he had returned to town the day after his engagement was announced.
Beirut will be reached in three days. At Beirut time will be given to visit Damascus; after which the steamer will proceed to Joppa.
663-677) Fifty days after the solstice (34), when the season of wearisome heat is come to an end, is the right time for me to go sailing.
So the man listened to her words, and the woman dwelt there, and brought the wood and kindled the fire, till one day her husband said to her, 'It is now two years since you died.
In three days more they made about seventy miles; fording two small rivers, the waters of which were very cold.
I found our fortress in a bad state of defence, but we proceeded immediately to repair our flanks, strengthen our gates and posterns, and form double bastions, which we compleated in ten days. In this time we daily expected the arrival of the Indian army; and at length, one of my fellow prisoners, escaping from them, arrived, informing us that the enemy had an account of my departure, and postponed their expedition three weeks.--The Indians had spies out viewing our movements, and were greatly alarmed with our increase in number and fortifications.
Graf Bismarck--27-29, II, '74." Which means that Count Bismarck, son of the great statesman, was a prisoner two days in 1874.
As soon as the coloured people found out that he could read, a newspaper was secured, and at the close of nearly every day's work this young man would be surrounded by a group of men and women who were anxious to hear him read the news contained in the papers.
- These three days I spent in making little square chests, or boxes, which might hold about a pound, or two pounds at most, of powder; and so, putting the powder in, I stowed it in places as secure and remote from one another as possible.
This odd sight kept me two hours behind the caravan, for which the leader of it for the day fined me about the value of three shillings; and told me if it had been three days' journey without the wall, as it was three days' within, he must have fined me four times as much, and made me ask pardon the next council-day.
For two days no food was brought me, but then a new messenger appeared and my incarceration went on as before, but not again did I allow my reason to be submerged by the horror of my position.
Lecount first resolved to devote the next few days to watching the habits of the inmates of North Shingles, from early in the morning to late at night, and to testing the capacity of the one servant in the house to resist the temptation of a bribe.