DARN IT: If I could only reach his chin; Don't be fooled, got you right where I want you, big man..
THE BIG FIGHT; 10st boxer KOs a 31st wrestler
It was created by my staff because, typically, on Fridays when exchanging greetings with employees, I will be asked, "How are you doing?" Rather than responding with the typical "I'm looking forward to the weekend," I would say, "
darn it's Friday, but luckily I have Monday morning to look forward to." This generally makes people smile.
Leadership: a balanced approach; Effective leadership requires equal parts personal character traits and business habits. Understand the strengths that you and your team possess and you will nurture the right attributes in yourself and your potential successors
Or how 'bout when the leading lady can't even decide who to like because there are two guys who like her,
darn it! Romance like that is faker than Lindsay Lohan's ...
Cute boys ahead. Now what? Want more boy attention? Fine-tune your crush skills here
As Grampaw Pettibone would say, "Gol
darn it, to err may be human ...
Grampaw pettibone
darn it, they both seemed happier than they have been in a long time.
Veni, Viagra, vici
Cut the loose threads on the tip of the shoe and
darn it again.
If the shoe fits...