That FB was a
darning needle and measured eight cm (Fig no.
Suicidal introduction of a darning needle in urethra of a male child: a case report
When I've used all my materials, or the rug is large enough, I tack the end of the braid, using a
darning needle with heavy-duty thread.
Rags to rugs
There's a
darning needle, of course, a threader, a hemostat (the instrument doctors use to put in sutures), and an Army survival tool-- "You know, the kind that has pliers, a hole punch, a can opener, and a leather punch," Rowe said.
If you are younger than I (come to think of it, you have to be younger than I), you may have lived your entire childhood without hearing a parent tell you that the dragonfly was no less than the dreaded "
darning needle."
Health hazards of early boyhood
The book's violence is contained in its title, and even more so in the cover illustration of a Roman
darning needle implanted in a human pupil.
El ojo de la aguja
With molds such as paper cups, loop one end of the wick over a wire suspended across the top of the mold, then thread the other end through a large
darning needle and push the needle through the bottom of the mold at the middle of the cup.
Turn meat scraps into Christmas candles!
"A small sea snail," he declared, "cooked and then prised out of the shell with a
darning needle. My late father-in-law would make a sandwich.
Lost Tribes The People's Memories; Flash back
And they've never even been near a
darning needle since Howard's mum bought them from Cairds Haberdashers back in the 50s.
Jill's other books are Plants and Ferns Around Huddersfield which was published by Kirklees Council and Spinning Jenny and Devil's
Darning Needle which was a book about a dragon flies in culture.
Praise be to church wildlife; Jill's book reveals 'hidden' secrets
Take a
darning needle or bodkin and press the eye on the flesh around the splinter.
How to be a dyb dyb dyb dab hand; SCOUTS SHARE PRACTICAL TIPS
When dry, use a hole punch - a cocktail stick or
darning needle will do - to make a hole through which to thread your ribbon.
Mum's the word at heart
It was always a fact that most of these shops sold practically anything you could want, from a
darning needle to the latest electrical gadget of the day.
Has the traditional store had its day?
AS AN amateur detective, I'm deeply intrigued by the extraordinary tale of the
darning needle that passed through Derek Thompson's foot, and of the dedication to duty (as well as to the fee involved) that persuaded him to drive across country for a commentating gig at Sedgefield with the offending item still unwithdrawn.
How did 'needle man' do it? Observations
"Niamh" claims her mother stabbed the newborn baby to death with a
darning needle after she gave birth to the tot when she as just 11-years-old.
House of Horror: We have received death threats but I don't know if we're going to be driven from our homes.. that is up to the neighbours
It has also emerged that gardai will not be asking for an exhumation order for the body of the 1973 tot "Noeleen" who Niamh claims was her daughter - allegedly killed by her mother using a
darning needle.
'House of Horrors' abuse case father in fear: WE'LL BURN YOU OUT; Dad tells gardai of phone call death threats