But we were on holiday and sometimes you've just got to say "
Damn the expense".
Great Brittany; PETER BISHOP is one very happy camper when he finds a perfect family holiday in north-west France
Des Browne and others who are seeking new ways of making savings at such a terrible price should never forget that sobering thought, and do their utmost to provide the tools for the job, and
damn the expense.
Letter: YOUR SHOUT - Penny - pinching will cost lives
Damn the expense - at least it adds a bit of colour to what can be a very depressing place.
From The Forum; Your views on the loan of plants for a Royal visit to the Children's Hospital. Have your say by visiting www.birminghammail.net/forum
Pay on your credit card and
damn the expense. You've got a month to come up with the cash.
25 ways to cheer yourself up; Suffering From The End Of Summer Blues? Then Try Andrea Kon's Low-Cost Ways To Lift Your Spirits - Even On The Dullest Day
damn the expense, I'm joining them soon - I might even start the bidding next time a picture comes up at half a million - you could do it too, knowing that you wouldn't have a cat's chance in hell of getting it.
Antiques: Looking through the eyes of Monet
Morgan told Stanford he wanted a "gentleman's club" and "
damn the expense." Stanford obliged, though he nearly killed himself trying to get the job done on time; in the last weeks Morgan had made a bet he couldn't do it.
Dream builder
Go alone, and dash round Tesco, buying all the top ranges and
damn the expense - it's quicker this way?
Your Life: Which telly marriage do you have? QUIZ Celebs' private lives come under the spotlight in the new Mr&Mrs TV show. But how well do you know your own relationship? Find out by taking our fun quiz
Sometimes we dine fairly modestly on a starter and "express" dish; but just occasionally we really splash out and
damn the expense - after all, it's not like we're going there every week.
Chance find and a classic reward