
Related to chick: Chick flicks

babe magnet

1. A person, typically male, who is very attractive to women. Often used with a degree of humor or facetiousness. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. John thinks he's such a babe magnet now that he's making so much money, but everyone thinks he's just as foolish as ever.
2. Something that attracts women to its owner, who is typically male. Often used with a degree of humor or facetiousness. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. I bought my motorcycle because I thought it would be a great babe magnet.
See also: babe, magnet

chick flick

A movie that is primarily appealing or marketed to a female audience, and often focused on relationships and romance. That new romantic comedy seems like a real chick flick, so my girlfriends and I are going to go see it this weekend.
See also: chick, flick

chick magnet

1. A person, typically male, who is very attractive to women. Often used with a degree of humor or facetiousness. John thinks he's such a chick magnet now that he's making so much money, but everyone thinks he's just as foolish as ever.
2. Something that attracts women to its owner, who is typically male. Often used with a degree of humor or facetiousness. I bought my motorcycle because I thought it would be a great chick magnet.
See also: chick, magnet

chicks before dicks

slang A reminder, said by a female to her female friend(s), asserting that their friendship should be more important than relationships or interactions with males. Come on, don't ditch us for that guy you just met! Chicks before dicks!
See also: before, chick, dick

fussy as a hen with one chick

Extremely anxious and overprotective. A: "I can't believe your curfew is only nine o'clock." B: "Yeah, my mom can be fussy as a hen with one chick sometimes."
See also: chick, hen, one

have neither chick nor child

To be without children. The fact the I have neither chick nor child means I am able to travel wherever I want, whenever I want. It took me a while to come to terms with having neither chick nor child at my age, but I'm at peace with it now.
See also: chick, child, have, neither, nor

like a hen with one chick

Extremely anxious and overprotective. A: "I can't believe your curfew is only nine o'clock." B: "Yeah, my mom can be like a hen with one chick sometimes."
See also: chick, hen, like, one

ride-or-die chick

slang A very devoted romantic partner. I know my girl will be waiting for me when I get out of rehab because she's just a ride-or-die chick.
See also: chick

slick chick

slang A particularly shrewd, confident, and capable woman. "Chick" is often considered somewhat condescending or derogatory. I've heard she's a real slick chick, so I have no doubt that the company is in good hands. I thought I had made a good argument, but that slick chick kept twisting my words around to suit her own narrative.
See also: chick, slick
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

neither chick nor child

no children at all. North American or dialect
See also: chick, child, neither, nor

like a hen with one chick (or chicken)

absurdly fussy and overanxious.
See also: chick, hen, like, one
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

babe magnet

and chick magnet
1. n. a male who seems to attract good looking females easily. Keep your woman away from Chuck. He’s a babe magnet. Wilfred thinks he’s a chick magnet, but he only snags the dogs.
2. n. something, such as a car, that attracts good-looking females to a male. Man, I like your new chick magnet. Get any yet? He thought of a new car as a “babe magnet,” but all it drew was the repo man.
See also: babe, magnet

chick magnet

See babe magnet
See also: chick, magnet


n. a girl or woman. We’re gonna take some chicks to dinner and then catch a flick.


n. a movie intended for women and female interests. I hate chick-flicks. It’s a guy thing.


n. an attractive and cute girl. Tiffany is a slick-chick. I wonder if she’d go out with me.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • babe magnet
  • magnet
  • chick magnet
  • any (one) worth (one's) salt
  • X Y is X
  • keel over
  • walk it off
  • walk off
  • toilet humor
References in periodicals archive
One of the volunteers brought the chick to the Lincoln Park Zoo to be checked out.
This is the third year that chicks have been officially named, using Northumberland place names, and all of the 2019 chicks have been given monikers starting with the letter 'C'.
For pasty butt, a condition where loose droppings stick to the area surrounding the vent, the droppings may be loosened with some warm water on a damn cloth gently so as not to tear the chick's skin, says Muriithi.
The two fluffy grey chicks have started to emerge from their nests and explore their new home at the park's Penguin Cove.
When I first became interested in getting chicks the old-fashioned way, I was surprised to find that helpful advice could be hard to come by.
Chicken Salad Chick plans to open restaurants in Edmond and Oklahoma City later this year.
While the cost of purchasing an individual baby chick is relatively low, there's more to consider.
Rachel Astill, fundraiser at Francis House, said: "Our Easter knitted chick appeal raised an incredible PS50,000 last year."
It's important these dried droppings don't cover their vents--a chick that's unable to properly eliminate its waste may die.
There were differences observed in chick performance between the two groups, chick weight at hatch was significantly heavier in group of eggs exposed to complement LED lighting during incubation (G2) with high vitality percent than the eggs of G1 (control).
Achieving better estimates of greater sage-grouse chick survival in Utah.--J.
Conclusion: Prenatal exposure of chick embryos to valproic acid increased the incidence of different gross deformities.
Avian Influenza Virus Vaccination: At the age of one week each experimental chick was administered AIV vaccine as per following experimental design:
Pakistan is the first country outside the US where Golden Chick has opened its franchise, displaying the confidence which international investors have in the Pakistani market.
Pakistan is the first country outside the US where Golden Chick has decided to extend its operations which is proof positive of the confidence that the international market has in Pakistan.