
Related to chest: chest pain
  • beat your breast
  • get (something) off (one's) chest
  • get (something) off one's chest, to
  • get off chest
  • get something off your chest
  • hold (one's) cards close to (one's) chest
  • hope chest
  • keep (one's) cards close to (one's) chest
  • keep (something) close to (one's) chest
  • keep your cards close to your chest
  • keep/hold/play your cards close to your chest
  • off one's chest, get
  • play (one's) cards close to (one's) chest
  • play (something) close to (one's) chest
  • play cards close to chest
  • play it close to one's chest
  • play one's cards close to one's chest, to
  • play your cards close to your chest
  • put hair on chest
  • put hair on your chest
  • put hair(s) on (one's) chest
  • put hairs on your chest
  • put lead in one's pencil
  • take the spear in one’s chest
  • war chest
References in classic literature
Tarzan wondered what the chest they had buried contained.
Then he continued digging until he had unearthed the chest. This also he dragged to the side of the corpse.
"It ought to be painted," said Johnny Dooit, tossing his tools back into the chest, "for that would make it look prettier.
With this he slammed down the lid of the chest, and the noise made them all wink.
I thought of the porter's friend who had helped me with the chest. No, I remember him as well as I remembered Crawshay; they were quite different types.
I need not state the obvious reasons I had for fighting shy of the personal custody of his accursed chest. Yet he had run worse risks for me, and I wanted him to learn that he, too, could depend on a devotion not unworthy of his own.
The moon had risen now, so that from the dark shadows of the palisade Muda Saffir and his savages watched the party with Bududreen squatting about the heavy chest, and saw the two who crept toward the house.
Then with the balance of his horde he crept alone in the darkness until opposite Bududreen and the watchers about the chest. Just as the two who crept toward the bungalow reached it, Muda Saffir gave the word for the attack upon the Malays and lascars who guarded the treasure.
Catherine trembled at the emphasis with which he spoke, and sat pale and breathless, in a most humble mood, concerned for his children, and detesting old chests; and the general, recovering his politeness as he looked at her, spent the rest of his time in scolding his daughter for so foolishly hurrying her fair friend, who was absolutely out of breath from haste, when there was not the least occasion for hurry in the world: but Catherine could not at all get over the double distress of having involved her friend in a lecture and been a great simpleton herself, till they were happily seated at the dinner-table, when the general's complacent smiles, and a good appetite of her own, restored her to peace.
"I'd not have had that sea chest in the house for any money; I'll warrant he'd come racketing after it at nights, and making a haunted house of the inn.
"The boatswain died during a storm, so they wrapped him up in a sheet, and put him in his own sea chest, and threw him overboard; but they neglected, in their hurry-skurry, to say prayers over him, and the storm raged and roared louder than ever, and they saw the dead man seated in his chest, with his shroud for a sail, coming hard after the ship, and the sea breaking before him in great sprays like fire; and there they kept scudding day after day and night after night, expecting every moment to go to wreck; and every night they saw the dead boatswain in his sea chest trying to get up with them, and they heard his whistle above the blasts of wind, and he seemed to send great seas, mountain high, after them that would have swamped the ship if they had not put up the deadlights.
Against the wall of this recess were placed three stone chests, each about two feet square.
"Open the other chests, white men," croaked Gagool, "there are surely more therein.
'Your daughter is frozen quite stiff and cold, And shall never have a chest full of gold.'
And as soon as Peter had given him the deed, the chest flew open, and Peter caught up a handful of the gold.