At this, above the salt, sat the visiting nobles and the grown members of their families, of both sexes, -- the resident Court, in effect -- sixty-one per- sons;
below the salt sat minor officers of the house- hold, with their principal subordinates: altogether a hundred and eighteen persons sitting, and about as many liveried servants standing behind their chairs, or serving in one capacity or another.
Connecticut Yankee
Then up spake the Prior and called upon one of the brethren that sat
below the salt, and bade him look out of the window and see who was below, albeit he knew right well it could be none but Sir Richard.
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
The result confirms the extension of the Agogo reservoir to the north of the discovery well and
below the salt diapirs.
Eni successfully drills Agogo-2, the first appraisal well of Agogo's discovery in Angola
According to the hydrogeological characteristics of Jintan salt mine, there are effective water-resisting layers with considerable thickness along the longitudinal direction and above and
below the salt layer, which are mainly reflected in the following three aspects:
Geological Feasibility of Underground Oil Storage in Jintan Salt Mine of China
We've all heard the expressions "above the salt" and "
below the salt", but not everyone knows how they originated.
Salt sails still going strong; these fantastic vessels were made for what, to us, is an everyday condiment
The "pre-sal" (
below the salt) reserves, so named because they lie under several thousand meters of encrusted salt, are enormous.
Price slide spells difficult days for South American oil producers
"The poor pudding is thus relegated from among prestigious ready-to-eat sausage rolls, pork pies, roast ham and pastrami to sit
below the salt with the humble liver and kidneys."
Black pudding debate blowing hot and cold
(Sadly, those of us "
below the salt" had to make do with our field rations.)
Deja vu (or we've been here before!)
In addition, the company said Lafitte is its third ultra-deep prospect to encounter Miocene age sands
below the salt weld on the GOM Shelf and it holds a 72.0% working interest and a 58.3% net revenue interest in Lafitte.
McMoRan Exploration Co intercepts additional hydrocarbons in the Lafitte ultra-deep exploration well
They met when Stovepipe was in the Inkwell Rhythm Makers and Alex was in
Below the Salt, a news release says.
She left behind senior officers who considered her among the best and a generation of younger officers who, serving with and alongside of her, benefited from her inclusiveness, from listening and watching while seated "
below the salt," from being given real assignments and responsibilities, and from her integrity and high standards.
A Foreign Service legend
Petrobras' new reserve estimate came after a year of speculation that a second province the size of Brazil's Campos Basin could lie
below the salt layer.
Partnerships With Brazil
Figure 2c corresponds to a ADCIG below the sedimentary section (CMP 3040 m in Figure 1) and Figure 2d to a ADCIG
below the salt body (CMP position 12000 m in Figure 1).
Attenuation of diffracted multiples with an apex-shifted tangent-squared radon transform in image space
speed record, the team went to Tunisia in June to attempt the world record, but late rains delayed the hardening of the mud
below the salt crust, rendering the track unfit for competition.
Zapping the record: the aptly named Buckeye Bullet speeds to a new standard for heavy electric cars