With the craft of a skilled movie director, Goytisolo pulls back from the confrontation between hungry refugees and indignant vacationers to reveal the Marx family in a barren flat,
channel-surfing before dinner.
The Marx Family Saga
Images of the caveman, interspersed with ugly scenes in the contemporary home - lighting the barbecue, jostling at the bathroom mirror, reading in the loo, troughing at the fridge and
channel-surfing with the TV remote control cover the ground in five minutes.
Stand-up show of Little consequence; NIGHT OUT IN LONDON
channel-surfing channel" that will show me whatever it is that various celebrities are watching at that moment.
The vaster wasteland
Mariological devotion is strongly emphasized, lest any
channel-surfing Protestants think that they've found TBN or the Family Channel.
Catholicism's new cold war: the church militant lurches rightward
channel-surfing review of TV items: Meredith affiliates with Katz Nets; Katz signs up for 250 or so movies; Scripps is losing a Scripps from its board; Rentrak gets a cable client; AXS gets a carriage deal with Suddenlink; and Media General is bringing baseball to Indianapolis.
TV News: Meredith, Katz Broadcasting, Scripps, Rentrak, AXS, Media General
18-19 broadcasts of "American Idol," Fox used what it calls a "double box"--one for the ads, another for a look at goings-on from the stage and set of the show--in hopes of keeping viewers from
channel-surfing or fast-forwarding with their DVR.
Fox Ad plan thinks inside the double box: net tests its DVR-proof strategy with commercials that pop up side by side with programming
Francona spent a lot of Sunday, at least when he wasn't at the ballpark, sleeping and
channel-surfing - a typical Sunday for a lot of people, save for being at Fenway when there was no game being played.
Ellsbury dismal in 2nd playoffs; Far cry from his 2007 heroics
Rota is cued to a
channel-surfing soundtrack in which Mozart rubs shoulders with The Chemical Brothers, and Strauss is the flipside of Tangerine Dream.
A Big Wheel From Brazil
THE night that Boyzone's Stephen Gately (pictured) confessed he was gay, I was
channel-surfing when I chanced upon George Michael's video for Too Funky on MTV.
Tony Parsons column: TRUTH WILL OUT, STEPHEN
Channel-Surfing the Apocalypse Nash explores the possibilities of annihilation by disease, radiation fallout, and terrorist bombing, but it is the modern version of apocalypse, death-by-culture, which frightens her most.
Channel-Surfing the Apocalypse
For many networks who depend on
channel-surfing, having a critic reviewing their shows isn't a core part of their PR plan.
TV Crixlash
Every verbal skit, many ending in pithy punch lines, connects with every other through linguistic sleights-of-hand, leitmotifs, and repeated chapter titles, creating the impression of symphonic structure, or, more appropriate,
channel-surfing infoglints retrieved from the late-millennium mediascape.
David Shields. Remote
Carlson's dance-theater event has its own
channel-surfing feel.
"I travel all over the world and some time ago when I was in a hotel in Los Angeles
channel-surfing, I realized that whenever I see a documentary about something for which Italy is world-famous, it is never an Italian production," he says.
Mogul boots up Italo endeavor
Extended sequences of various anchors and newscasters--complete with scrolling headlines along the bottom warning of looting--may create a "Day After'-style "Wait, what the hell is going on now?" reaction among
channel-surfing auds.