
chain smoker

A person who smokes cigarettes continuously, such that they begin a new cigarette as (or almost as) soon as the last one is extinguished. My grandmother died of emphysema after being a chain smoker for most of her adult life.
See also: chain, smoker
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. someone who smokes cigarette after cigarette. She was a chain-smoker for thirty years, and then suddenly, boom. She’s gone.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • chain smoker
  • smoker
  • smoking
  • chain smoke
  • chain-smoke
  • image of health
  • picture of health
  • picture of health, the
  • the picture of health
  • coffin-dodger
References in periodicals archive
The story is told from the chain-smoker's perspective."
The former chain-smoker often had to wear a nicotine patch to satisfy his cravings while filming on sets where the habit is banned, has now quit smoking in a bid to get healthy.
Rather than a wordslurring chain-smoker invading her children's privacy while regurgitating clapped-out motivational clichs.
Once seen frequenting exclusive celebrity bars, Donna also admits she was a chain-smoker with a love of junk food.
'He was 6ft-6in tall, a chain-smoker, a lover of fine wine, a collector of contemporary painting, a grower of roses and orchids, a picture restorer, and a gambler on horses.
# November 2002 - Chain-smoker Hindley admitted to West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds after suffering sus - pected heart attack.
It is the eighth time that Havel, a former chain-smoker, has been in hospital since a third of his lung and a cancerous tumour were removed in December 1996.
The Allen Carr Clinic, started by former chain-smoker Allen Carr, claims to have helped tens of thousands of smokers to quit the habit.
Paul Taylor, a chain-smoker himself, sent the following quote through his press representative: "If others don't want to smoke that's their business."
The suspect was described as tanned with dark hair and smelling of smoke - a description which could also fit chain-smoker Reid.
But on Monday the chain-smoker is even more miserable than ever.
Everyone's favourite chain-smoker went on a journey to find her ancestry that took her back to the 1600s.
Nothing against this sad little chain-smoker, who hardly ever stops weeping.
One of the 'Mean Girl' star's close friends revealed, the jail-bound actress is a "serious chain-smoker" who blows through at least two packs a day.
The firm was started 12 years ago in London by one-time chain-smoker Allen Carr.