
  • (as) certain as death and taxes
  • a (certain type of person or thing) among (others)
  • be certain
  • be certain of (something)
  • be certain that (something will happen or is the case)
  • certain party
  • certain sure
  • clock (someone or something) at (a certain speed)
  • come in
  • come in a certain position
  • come out (a certain way) on (something)
  • dead certain
  • death and taxes, (certain as)
  • death and taxes, certain as
  • doesn't have a (certain kind of) bone in (one's) body
  • for certain
  • have a ring to it
  • Hell has no fury like a (certain type of person) scorned
  • hell hath no fury like a (certain type of person) scorned
  • make certain
  • make certain (that) something
  • make certain of
  • make certain of (something)
  • make certain of something/of doing something
  • nothing is certain but death and taxes
  • nothing is certain but the unforeseen
  • of a certain age
  • sell for (something)
  • sell for a certain price
  • to a certain degree
  • to a certain extent
  • to some degree
  • under certain circumstances
  • under certain conditions
  • up to a (certain) point
References in classic literature
Then as to the analysis of the ancients and the algebra of the moderns, besides that they embrace only matters highly abstract, and, to appearance, of no use, the former is so exclusively restricted to the consideration of figures, that it can exercise the understanding only on condition of greatly fatiguing the imagination; and, in the latter, there is so complete a subjection to certain rules and formulas, that there results an art full of confusion and obscurity calculated to embarrass, instead of a science fitted to cultivate the mind.
The third, to conduct my thoughts in such order that, by commencing with objects the simplest and easiest to know, I might ascend by little and little, and, as it were, step by step, to the knowledge of the more complex; assigning in thought a certain order even to those objects which in their own nature do not stand in a relation of antecedence and sequence.
"Certain responsibilities," he continued quietly, "with regard to the safe conduct of this country, have been handed over to the military authorities, which in this particular case I represent.
"Without wishing to be in any way personal, I might say that there are statesmen in your Government, for whom you must accept a certain amount of responsibility, who have been largely instrumental in bringing this hideous danger upon the country.
The bones of a limb might be shortened and widened to any extent, and become gradually enveloped in thick membrane, so as to serve as a fin; or a webbed foot might have all its bones, or certain bones, lengthened to any extent, and the membrane connecting them increased to any extent, so as to serve as a wing: yet in all this great amount of modification there will be no tendency to alter the framework of bones or the relative connexion of the several parts.
Most physiologists believe that the bones of the skull are homologous with--that is correspond in number and in relative connexion with--the elemental parts of a certain number of vertebrae.
The trial also of different causes is allotted to different persons; as at Lacedaemon all disputes concerning contracts are brought before some of the ephori: the senate are the judges in cases of murder, and so on; some being to be heard by one magistrate, others by another: and thus at Carthage certain magistrates determine all causes.
There was much to be done: his portmanteau to be packed, a credit to be got from the bank where he was a wealthy customer, and certain offices to be transacted for that other bank in which he was an humble clerk; and it chanced, in conformity with human nature, that out of all this business it was the last that came to be neglected.
Without using perfumes, the chevalier exhaled a certain fragrance of youth, that refreshed the atmosphere.
He liked his lodgings so well that often, on that very account, he found a certain difficulty in making up his mind to go out.
It begets in those [95] who fall in with him at the right moment of their spiritual development, a habit of reading between the lines, a faith in the effect of concentration and collectedness of mind on the right appreciation of poetry, the expectation that what is really worth having in the poetic order will involve, on their part, a certain discipline of the temper not less than of the intellect.
A certain importance attaches to the views on art of painters, and this is the natural place for me to set down what I know of Strickland's opinions of the great artists of the past.
If we assume as the historians do that great men lead humanity to the attainment of certain ends- the greatness of Russia or of France, the balance of power in Europe, the diffusion of the ideas of the Revolution general progress or anything else- then it is impossible to explain the facts of history without introducing the conceptions of chance and genius.
But all that we can observe is a certain language-habit.
MY BELOVED BARBARA ALEXIEVNA,--I hasten to let you know that Rataziaev has found me some work to do for a certain writer--the latter having submitted to him a large manuscript.