empty promise

empty promise

A promise that is devoid of worth or meaning, one that cannot or was never intended to be carried out. John may be a sweet-talker, but in reality, he's a lowlife full of empty promises.
See also: empty, promise
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • empty threat
  • sugar
  • (as) sweet as sugar
  • (as) sweet as pie
  • sweet as pie
  • (as) sweet as honey
  • sweet as honey
  • sweet dreams
  • sweet Fanny Adams
  • the sweet hereafter
References in classic literature
Pleased and flattered to be bribed, although by nothing but an empty promise, the Judge let him go.
Linton must allow an interview soon, or he should fear he was purposely deceiving him with empty promises.
Dominic Cummings' Vote Leave's campaign director, responsible for the spurious claims about the imminent arrival in this country of millions of Turks, and the empty promise of PS350 million a week for the NHS, stated in January 2016 "There are grounds for a new government team to offer the public a voice on what the deal looks like.
But his words were labelled an "empty promise" after he told the City that the Tories were the "party of business" and huge companies were "a force for good".
And it isn't the one devised by a woman who launched her career on an empty promise of Girl Power.
The president then tried to appease the bondholders by telling them he would work out a compromise with the BoC, which turned out to be another empty promise. Last September, in a meeting with representatives of bondholders, he reportedly came up with another proposal -- giving them e1/4100,000 in cash and the rest in government bonds -- that could not be implemented, because the government did not have the money.
However, despite the apology the couple fear an offer of more help for their son will turn out to be another empty promise.
Inclusion of the current "fatally flawed language" is worse than the monopoly that the biotechnology industry enjoys "because it represents an empty promise to Americans who may falsely believe that the legislation will provide for meaningful competition," the association contends.
Liberal Democrat candidate Brian Paddick said: "The British Transport Police and British Rail are beyond the Mayor's remit, so Boris's pledge is little more than an empty promise."
If we do, children will fall behind, and our monument will stand for nothing but an empty promise. That would be a terrible shame because we can already see that this law is making a difference.
Henry Luvert, vice president of the Eugene-Springfield chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, dismissed the chief's request as one more empty promise in a long string of empty promises.
Those who manage not to be seduced by the system's largely empty promise of riches often choose to leave the country as soon as they have graduated from art school, returning only after they have regained a little sanity and breadth of purpose.
The hype of adult day as a referral source for long term care was found by most to be an empty promise. But for assisted living providers, adult day has proven to be an excellent way of introducing families to their services.
To me, the opportunity to do this is a deeper reward than the empty promise of an unimaginable afterlife.
Many evoked a genteel sort of white supremacy whose main goal was a system that truly delivered on the South's empty promise of separate but equal.