

A stupid person. Did you hear that guy's ridiculous question? Geez, what a beetlebrain.

ground beetle

Any of several families of beetles that are primarily found on or near the ground. Milly screamed and ran across the back yard after she overturned a stone and disrupted a group of ground beetles.
See also: beetle, ground
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. the original Volkswagen automobile. I remember when people used to put big windup keys on their beetles to make them look like windup toys.


n. a stupid person. Why are you such a beetlebrain when it comes to math?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

blind as a bat/beetle/mole

Totally blind, or, figuratively, unseeing. None of these animals is, by the way, truly blind. The bat flies about in the dark in seemingly erratic paths (see bats in one’s belfry), and the beetle and mole burrow through the ground. Nevertheless, these similes are quite old and have become clichés. The bat analogy dates from the sixteenth century at least (John Harvey); the mole and beetle similes come from Roman times and were cited in translations by Erasmus.
See also: bat, beetle, blind, mole
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • cluck
  • cabbagehead
  • beetlebrain
  • conehead
  • chowderhead
  • cheesehead
  • beyotch
  • biatch
  • biotch
References in periodicals archive
Gabriele Kraft, founder of the Beetle Sunshine Tour, said that eighty five per cent of all participants took part in the 'sea of lights'.
On Saturday, around 500 Beetle, New Beetles and Type 1 will illuminate the night sky with multiple light chains
In line with previous findings, the three extinct species - Red-collared longhorn beetle, Obrium cantharinum and the great wasp beetle - all have last recorded sightings prior to 1938.
Laura Bower, conservation officer at PTES, said: "We have been running the Great Stag Hunt, and other conservation initiatives for stag beetles, for over 20 years.
Explain: Describe the external parts of the beetle to students.
The New Beetle was a hit during its early years, with sales of more than 80,000 in the United States in 1999, but recently the car`s U.S.
The original Beetle was dubbed the 'People's Car' and was designed by Adolf Hitler and Ferdinand Porsche to be a cheap and simple vehicle.
-- promoted the minimalist Beetle with messages extolling its straightforward simplicity.
The dung beetle species were collected form pasture areas characterized by the presence of cattle.
In fact, the MFC has a Southern Pine Beetle Prevention Program, which provides cost-share funds to encourage private forest landowners to thin their dense pine stand before the next southern pine beetle outbreak," said Todd Matthews, Urban Forestry & Forest Health Coordinator for the Mississippi Forestry Commission.
Sugarcane beetle adults were collected weekly from light traps or hand-picked from a bermudagrass turfgrass stand surface at night at the North Carolina State University Lake Wheeler Field Laboratory.
The 67-year-old, who has just picked up his 11th Beetle, bought one car for just PS4 - a far cry from the PS19,500 list price of his swanky new model.
The antennae, which are the beetle's primary organs of smell and touch, come in 11 basic styles that might resemble thread, a string of beads, a saw, a comb, a fan, a feather, a club or a bent elbow.
ySTANBUL (CyHAN)- Spurious claims of a rhino beetle being worth $90,000 only serve to harm the ecosystem as people go out looking for the critters, experts have said.
Auto Business News-April 1, 2015--Volkswagen to launch four Beetle concepts at 2015 New York Auto Show