Caveat lector. Unlike most books these days, their dust jackets festooned with blurbs from the Great and Good touting the volume at hand, the back cover of Striking Power displays just a single endorsement.
War as a Panacea for the Failures of War
The theatre stories retailed after 1642 belong precisely to that genre: aside from his often cited tale of the unruly and capricious audience, Gayton, for example, also tells a story of a theatre audience at a bad play intimidated into silence by a band of heavies planted among them:
caveat lector. The limitations of what we might agree on as reliable evidence--Rowley's letter, for example--lead us all into storytelling in giving accounts of early theatre.
Clowning and Authorship in Early Modern Theatre
Before tackling the translation itself, a general
caveat lector on the historical and linguistic explanations given in the marginal notes and introduction is in order.
The Israelite Samaritan Version of the Torah: First English Translation Compared with the Masoretic Version
The robot rage, as discussed in
Caveat Lector last month, was encapsulated by the dozen or more suppliers that implemented operable versions into their machines.
Machines in Munich: the biennial trade show--the industry's largest outside Japan--was filled with new machines, if not new technologies
Caveat lector: Stoneback's essay includes a lengthy digression [166-68] disclaiming the banality of all Hemingway criticism since the 1960s [work by four scholars excepted].)
Hemingway, Cuba, and the Cuban Works
Sheehan, '
Caveat Lector: The New Heidegger' New York Review of Books 1980).
Martin Heidegger: Introduction to Philosophy--Thinking and Poetizing
Caveat lector - reader beware - might be a more appropriate admonition as Mr Ward has simply got his facts wrong.
Caveat lector; Your say
caveat lector: The scurrilous document at the center of this narrative is that most infamous ur-text of anti-Semitism, The Protocols of the Elders of 'Lion.
Men in black
But until the research community cleans up its act, readers of research papers need to maintain a healthy dose of
caveat lector (let the reader beware).
Misleading reporting of research results: a widespread problem
I heard from a reader who felt a reference in September's
Caveat Lector to the suicides at Foxconn was in poor taste.
Mixed appreciation for depreciation
So, if Orangutan falls into your hands,
caveat lector.
The drunkalogue: a parade that goes nowhere
have appeared in APR, The Amherst Review, Appalachia,
Caveat Lector, The
December Rain
Such figures can be gleaned from Hayward's numerous tables, but
caveat lector: the numbers are not well interpreted, and the casual reader may find them indigestible.
Dress at the Court of King Henry VIII
Caveat lector. Do not base your selection of this work solely on the title, for if you anticipate a book-length study on tragedy in Don Quixote, you will be disappointed.
Jose Angel Ascunce Arrieta. El Ouijote como tragedia y la tragedia de don Quijote
Ed.: We received nearly 30 responses to the February
Caveat Lector, all in favor of our position that Jim Raby deserves induction into the IPC Hall of Fame.
Rabid for Raby