Trump was known for his reality TV show but came to political prominence by advocating "
birtherism," the false claim that Barack Obama was not born an American (he was born in Hawaii).
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He was an early endorser of "
birtherism," the lie that Barack Obama was not born in the US.
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Trump only gave up on
birtherism during the presidential campaign by preposterously declaring that it was his political opponent, Hillary Clinton, who had first raised doubts about Obama's origins.
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In 2011, he flirted with "
birtherism"--the discredited Trumpian conspiracy theory that Obama was not born in the United States.
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Critics painted Meadows' remarks as an endorsement of "
birtherism" - a term for the baseless belief that Obama was not born in the U.S.
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In 2012, he echoed Trump's racist
birtherism, declaring, "We're going to send Mr.
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His first major political cause was
birtherism, the noxious and false claim that President Obama was secretly a Muslim born in Kenya.
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Birtherism is the conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States or was born to Kenyan parents and smuggled into the country as a baby, and therefore cannot he a "natural born citizen." There are a number of variants of the theory, of increasing offensiveness, all incredible.
Unencumbered by any deep ideology of his own or any ethical qualms -- as demonstrated by his embrace of
birtherism, for example -- Trump was able to adopt these issues far more quickly than his 16 competitors in the Republican primaries.
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This isn't the first time that Arpaio has aired his opinion on "
Birtherism," something which the president( reneged on in 2016 , just before the presidential election.
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In a world where Republican Trump critics are treated to vein-throbbing lectures by figures on the left--MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell in August eviscerated Flake for not having done "enough" against
birtherism, even though the senator was initiating symbolic legislative action against the pea-brained conspiracy theory as far back as July 2009 - it's no surprise that a decent-minded fellow might choose simply to walk away.
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Birtherism, the homespun conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, was picked up by Russian state news media and then cited by right-wing groups.
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Donald Trump was a highly discussed figure for many years, before he discovered
birtherism, DiPrima said of the comment made before Trump ran for President.
The education of Donald Trump
"Trumpocalypse Now!" takes a look at Trump's career as a conspiracy theory celebrity, his trafficking in such notions as
birtherism, Islamofascism and 9/11, the conspiracies of the Clinton era, and the JFK assassination.
Trumpocalypse Now!
(Although his boss has been known to spread whoppers himself; see "
Birtherism.") Still, Flynn is not alone.
The fire hose of falsehood: fake news and the 2016 presidential election