do the spadework

do the spadework

To do the necessary preparatory work or research to successfully complete a given task or objective. Likened to working the soil with a spade when preparing to plant something. If you are looking to start your own business, you have to be sure to do the spadework first. I was up all night doing the spadework for my first case as a lawyer.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

do the spadework

Make the preliminary preparations or do the preliminary research for something. For example, The department head did all the spadework for this agreement. This expression transfers the heavy spading required to prepare for planting to other kinds of preparation. [c. 1900]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • spade up
  • beaver away
  • break a sweat
  • break sweat
  • dumpster fire
  • calling
  • get (one's) rocks off on (something)
  • boiling point
  • as though
  • be out for the count
References in periodicals archive
Leaders of 27 countries, including a grandstanding David Cameron, failed to do the spadework before gathering in Brussels so they must now meet again next year.
Finally, since he tells us of the work he has done with allotments, why did he leave Cllr Cox to do the spadework on this one?
negotiator on North Korea, will leave Washington for China on Sunday to do the spadework for the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear program, a State Department spokesman said Wednesday.