

1. verb Typically of a male, to make unsolicited, sexualized whistles or remarks to (someone, usually a female). Ugh, the men on that construction site catcall me every time I walk by. I'm sure I'm not the only woman dealing with this each day. Guys, don't catcall her—show a little respect.
2. verb To whistle at or call out to (someone) in a derisive or jeering manner. It was sad listening to the audience catcall the singer. I mean, he wasn't very good, but I still really feel for him. They booed and catcalled the sleazy politician off the stage.
3. noun Such a sexualized or derisive whistle or remark. I hated working as a waiter at that bar. We were forced to wear tight, revealing clothes, so it was no wonder we got catcalls from men all night. I'd rather end my performance with catcalls than with silence. With the former you know you've at least made an impression on them.

get catcalled

1. Typically of a female, to be subjected to unsolicited, sexualized whistles or remarks from someone else, usually a male. Ugh, I get catcalled every time I walk by that construction site. I'm sure I'm not the only woman dealing with this each day. I'm nervous to walk past that group of men. What if I get catcalled?
2. To be subjected to derisive whistles or jeers from someone else. It's a shame that singer got catcalled by the audience. I mean, he wasn't very good, but I still really feel for him. The sleazy politician got booed and catcalled off the stage.
See also: catcall, get
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • get catcalled
  • adult
  • (that's) a hell of a note
  • be on (one's) back
  • be on somebody's back
  • be on someone's back
  • bug the hell out of (one)
  • (I'm) sorry I asked
  • butt-munch