biological clock is ticking

biological clock is ticking

Of a woman, there is a limited amount of time in which to be able to conceive a child. I've been very successful in my career and want to see it to its fullest, but I would also love to have kids, and I know my biological clock is ticking. For women who may want to have children, their biological clocks are always ticking—a concern that men never have to worry about.
See also: biological, clock, ticking
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • biological
  • fast lane/track, in/on the
  • fastlane
  • in the fast lane
  • not think of (doing something)
  • not think of something/of doing something
  • evaluate
  • evaluate (someone or something) as (something)
  • evaluate as
  • picture (one) (doing something)
References in periodicals archive
Doesn't he know his biological clock is ticking? What is the matter with him, doesn't he WANT kids?
"Maybe my biological clock is ticking but I don't feel the pressure."
TICK TOCK Kathryn Thomas said her biological clock is ticking
Louise, who is about to launch her own make-up range, said that she is under a bit of pressure since her biological clock is ticking away.
New Yorker Julie (Westfeldt) is becoming uncomfortably aware that her biological clock is ticking louder and louder and cannot help but notice that her best female friends are having kids one after the other.
I feel very guilty because she's a slightly older than me at 38 and says her biological clock is ticking.
We all know that a heart attack could come at any time, and even those who are young recognize that the biological clock is ticking. Those of us somewhat longer of tooth know that the American denial of death is futile and deceitful.
It's ironic that in this, the third series of the gritty detective drama co-starring Robson Green, Carol becomes very aware that her biological clock is ticking.
She wants a baby, he doesn't - at the moment - but her biological clock is ticking away, as they entertain the punters.
Oncologist Dr Hamish Wallace, from the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh, one of the researchers who made the breakthrough, said: 'In essence, it means we now have the potential to be able to tell a woman how fast her biological clock is ticking and how much time she has before it will run down.'
Your biological clock is ticking. No, this isn't nonsense about careers and babies (you've bought the wrong paper if you want that kind of womanshaming).
She said: "My biological clock is ticking so I'm in a race against time.
"Naomi knows her biological clock is ticking. She realises that she's got to get a move on if she wants to have children - the time is now," the Mirror quoted a friend as saying.
Her biological clock is ticking. If she stays with you, there will be no kids.
QI'M in my mid-30s and my biological clock is ticking fast.