carte blanche

carte blanche

The freedom to do whatever one wants or deems necessary, especially with a particular task or assignment. This French phrase means "blank card" in English. I can't believe the boss gave me carte blanche to organize the conference—he's usually such a micro-manager!
See also: blanche, carte
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

*carte blanche

Fig. freedom or permission to act as one wishes or thinks necessary. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) He's been given carte blanche with the reorganization of the workforce. The manager has been given no instructions about how to train the staff. He has carte blanche from the owner.
See also: blanche, carte
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

ˌcarte ˈblanche (to do something)

(from French) complete freedom or authority to do anything you like: The detective was given carte blanche to read any files he liked in his search for the murderer.The French expression means ‘blank paper’ on which somebody could write their own conditions for an agreement.
See also: blanche, carte
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

carte blanche

Complete freedom, unlimited power. The term is French for “blank paper,” used in the same sense as “blank check”—that is, anything may be filled in. In the 1600s it was used in the military for unconditional surrender. After World War I it was broadened to civilian contexts, such as “He’s the best mechanic we have; the boss gave him carte blanche to handle all the repairs.”
See also: blanche, carte
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • blanche
  • give (one) carte blanche
  • blank check
  • a blank check
  • mission accomplished
  • accomplished
  • cheque
  • a blank cheque
  • sour grapes
  • cheap at the price
References in periodicals archive
In Carte Blanche, Bond has served in the Royal Naval Reserve, including a tour in Afghanistan, before joining the secret service.
In Carte Blanche, Jeffery Deaver's 21st century Bond served in the Royal Naval Reserve, including a tour in Afghanistan, before joining the secret service.
Deaver will be discussing Carte Blanche with Abulhoul on the "Talking of Books" show on Saturday, and the ongoing Festival Reading Group will be talking about the Bond novel in its July meeting.
More than cynical provocation, Carte Blanche seems a form of direct research into these very questions.
The Carte Blanche intervention, while a 'legitimate and sincere attempt to help', was described by one senior surgeon as 'a short-term band-aid solution for a much more fundamental problem'.
However, in the case of those liberated people amongst us, it now serves as carte blanche to drive in any inconsiderate manner that they see fit; safe (or so they believe) in the knowledge that no decent human being would dare challenge their assumed right to drive in such a manner when the safety of a child is involved.
This offers carte blanche for abuse of women by disgruntled former partners.
It gave me carte blanche. I felt like a guinea pig, really.
Consider our choices: Battle this dilemma tooth and nail, or allow our athletes carte blanche on the chemicals or genes of the month.
Exercising carte blanche power, SS officers confronted Americans captured in the Battle of the Bulge and demanded to know which were Jewish.
Several years ago, when I was asked by PepsiCo to chair the company's Consumer Advisory and Ethnic Marketing Committee, I told them I'd do it on one condition: I had to have carte blanche in putting the board together.
So because Mick Easterby is a no-nonsense northerner he's got carte blanche to swear on daytime television - and Paul Haigh is happy to defend him.
Youngsters were given carte blanche to behave beastly at a special monster puppet making workshop.
By the overture to the General Assembly to "establish a committee that will study same-sex marriage" for a period of two years, before "reporting back" to Assembly, is merely an attempt by disobedient ministers and elders to open the door for a carte blanche acceptance of all forms of homosexual practice within the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
Mr Blackett said the operator, Midlands Expressway Limited, had a 'carte blanche' to set whatever prices it wanted.