

slang A hole on the side of a bong or other pipe that affects airflow. One typically covers the carburetor to allow smoke to fill the chamber and then uncovers it to inhale the smoke. Hold the carburetor and then release the smoke and inhale.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a device for smoking cannabis that mixes the smoke with air. (Drugs.) I have a carburetor with the rest of my stash.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • do some bongs
  • bhong
  • hash pipe
  • bonged
  • screwage
  • cherry ripe
  • start up
  • no soap
  • bowl up
  • no dice
References in periodicals archive
The baseline carburetor setting is undisturbed and therefore, the equivalence ratio values reported are 'as-is'.
He climbed normally to 9000 feet and then experienced carburetor ice in temperatures of 35 degrees F with occasional moderate-to-heavy rain.
TOM: Well, you're done when you successfully put those four nuts back in, along with the new carburetor, then reattach everything and see if the truck starts.
Mr Pitman said both he and Mr Claxton were well aware of the carburetor icing danger and although he didn't see Mr Claxton checking for it on the flight, he had been distracted by another plane and may not have seen him carrying out the procedure.
The flow domain considered for simulation is the whole carburetor assembly with steady state flow.
Take special care with the little orifices you see in the carburetor body and in some of the valves.
Engine's type 106-10 with carburetor 28/30DCI and characteristic's at partially task.
This is a recognised hazard with many light aircraft, which are equipped with a device to warm the carburetor periodically to prevent it.
"It is well known that carburetor cleaner contains other solvents that are toxic, such as toluene, butane, and methylene chloride.
has announced the release of a new electronic gas carburetor for small, rich-burn, gaseous-fueled engines.
Old gasoline smells different and is described as being "varnishy" and will gum up the needle valve in a carburetor if used too much.
News flash to Star copyeditor: In addition to feathers and a carburetor, the stock female bovine has no testicles...I thought every Hoosier knew that!
The system alerts the pilot to turn on carburetor heat to avoid the buildup of ice in the carburetor, a condition that can cause engine failure.
Converting to a compressed gas, like methane from hog waste lagoons or landfill reclamation projects, simply eliminates the need for a carburetor because the compressed gas vaporizes naturally when released from its storage tank.
Just recently Lake replaced the carburetor in her '68 Chevy three-quarter-ton pickup--the one she drives whenever she's not tooling around Seattle in her beloved 2001 Audi Quattro TT, a car so newfangled she concedes she wouldn't think to try to fix it herself.