They don't just
fade into the woodwork. Rather, they join the line of supplicants to your successor.
Analysis: When it comes to replacing Speakers Paul Ryan and Joe Straus, your vote belongs to someone else
Given the prominence of the TV writer-producers who are willing to take on topics related to birth control and abortion, and given how many of them are women with growing clout in the industry, these topics are unlikely to
fade into the woodwork any time soon.
TV shows, no longer skittish, address abortion issue head-on: after avoiding the topic for decades, network execs and producers are making a statement
Both want Palestinians to become citizens in dozens of countries if necessary and to
fade into the woodwork, and to forget about UN General Assembly.
Disemboweling the Right of Return
"He told me, 'I want you to
fade into the woodwork'.
Don't think that Mahila will just
fade into the woodwork when this tale is done; Banks tells readers that Dark Time Mortal Path Book One is only the beginning.
Dark Time, Mortal Path, Book One
Here, Roosevelt's storied pronouncements are matched by thoughtful and hard-hitting responses from Hoover, who did not in fact
fade into the woodwork after losing to FDR in 1932 but rather spoke out for years thereafter against the New Deal.
Debating the new deal
"Some of these children simply
fade into the woodwork, while others become aggressive....
Studying emotional needs in wake of Minnesota tragedy
If you don't, they're the ones who will
fade into the woodwork."
Project read plus: using multiple intervention strategies, a complete reading program in Riverside, California, proposes to leave no child behind. (Reading Inside Scoop)
In a modest room, AV- 1 satellite speakers do not necessarily
fade into the woodwork as surround speakers.
Audio Video Multimedia Solutions Home Theater System
His organizational structure designed to carry on the battle?" Buchanan will
fade into the woodwork after the election, according to his analysis, with even less consequence than Jesse Jackson.
Stairway to G.O.P. heaven