Dialogue with your child about the importance of connecting with others in
face time. Talk with her about how communicating with someone in person feels, to help her believe in the importance of the development of these relationships, not just because you are telling her it is important.
Kids and technology: should parents be concerned?
When I reflect on this past year, I recognize that "
face time" was an integral part of our strategy with the Hill and the FCC as well.
Face time
"It should not be paying for trips because these trips provide an opportunity to have one-on-one
face time. Other people don't get that chance."
Conservative Christians should reconsider politics, columnist says
It creates that
face time for everyone which is so important in having organization."
Real estate associations have a place at emergency table
People may want
face time with their elephants, but when they try interacting with human beings different from themselves, virtual is better, argue two Israel-based researchers in The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (April 2006).
Keystroke diplomacy: beats being there
Yes, I'm extremely interested in gay politics and issues and stars, but sometimes it just feels good to see a hot, accomplished athletic chick getting some
face time in the media!
Hot jock
Many decision makers have built very successful practices using old accounting employment models in which
face time is key and 80-hour workweeks standard if people want to advance.
Not your father's CPA firm! Mary Kay Humfeld talks about a new employment model
It comes with the territory and your chosen profession, with all of its multi-million dollar contracts, TV
face time, admiring fan base, and endorsements.
Slugging it out on the Hill: time to strike out the steroid menace
Teacher preparation programs unquestionably
face time pressure, but Imig makes the unwarranted inference that more course work would produce better-balanced reading lists.
Teaching teachers
* Executive education and EMBA programs are blending
face time with Web time.
Executive education: the new school
Other missteps identified by recruiters were committing cultural gaffes and/or political suicide (16 percent), waiting too long to implement change (16 percent), not spending enough
face time with subordinates (14 percent), getting sidetracked by "fire drills" (11 percent) and hesitating on tough personnel decisions (10 percent).
Job transitioning; Most common failing: setting strategic goals
Employees surveyed had little interest in more
face time with the boss.
The One-on-One Walk & Run program fosters all-too-infrequent "
face time" between adults and children--or, for that matter, children and children--in a healthy setting.
Toward youth fitness, one step at a time
Convio's Bhagat says that online tools can make it much easier to maintain relationships with those few hundred hot prospects, instead of juggling the phone and snail mail to stay in touch between
face time.
Learning from Howard Dean: Dean may be out of the running, but that doesn't mean college fundraisers can't learn from him
With no marketing experience or material, Kozlowski says it was a tough challenge to pick up a phone to makes a sales pitch to a prospective client or start door-knocking to get some one-on-one
face time. "I'd never sold anything," says the managing director of the Thunder Bay-based I.T.
Dot.com survivor connects with clients