Cessna anticipated this possibility, so "the FSV handle had a hole drilled in it at manufacture that was angled to prevent incorrect orientation." But no one anticipated our unknown mechanic drilling a new hole to install the handle
bass-ackwards. The pilot who thought he was climbing on the fuller tank (left), was actually draining the lesser side (right).
STUPID PILOT TRICKS: Here's this year's departure from editorial decorum where we scour NTSB accident reports for those who chased aerial Nirvana only to get blunted egos and busted aircraft
bass-ackwards. But we have a great cooking staff and they can keep up as long as there's not a wrench thrown in."
Cashmere couple conquers leaky roof, delays: Blomquists transform Barney's into Blom's American Grill & Irish Pub
I believe that either the picture or the caption of the .30 Luger and .30 Mauser on page 12 of the October/November issue is
bass-ackwards. The .30 Mauser has the same dimensions as the 7.62x25 Tokarev, so its case length is 25mm.
Love for the Luger
So why should we let them get fat off of our
bass-ackwards business processes?
Find the story in your data storage: don't just store your customer data--use it
In the best of all possible worlds, of course, I wouldn't have picked that "
bass-ackwards" order of things, it's just the way it worked out.
Ruger Red Label 20
Not so hot if we're talking New York - which is why there was only one issue, if memory serves, of a
bass-ackwards American Vogue.
Been searching for my signature style