As the boundaries of society and reality collapse, war becomes the great equalizer, reducing everyone to his
base instinct for survival.
'Marisol': Tanghalang Ateneo grapples with the challenge
The poetic use of the seven penitential psalms checks the figure of anger, represented by Ajax (one of the classical figures listed in sonnet 232, together with Alexander the Great, Tydeus and Valentinianus, 159-160), by tempering this
base instinct through the teaching role of Laura, who at the end of Part 1 of the RVF becomes "an Apollo figure in advance of her death" (164).
Thomas Peterson. Petrarch's Fragmenta: The Narrative and Theological Unity of 'Rerum vulgarium fragmenta'
But, ultimately, in that moment she's not really thinking anything except her
base instinct, which is that she's a violent woman and that is the way she's lived her life for many many years.
'Sons of Anarchy's' Katey Sagal: The Truth About Gemma Teller
When I've confessed that
base instinct, to players and managers over the last couple of days, the majority have used the same phrase.
NO SURVIVORS; FIFA code is wrecked by Paris storm
When the money is down, it is our
base instinct to want the ears scrubbed off one.
Murphy's ride a fine example of exquisite calm over aggression; Aintree aftermath
Despite the assumed enlightenment of the PACT, they can't seem to divorce themselves from the
base instinct as demonstrated.
What makes you the most qualified for President?
When I've confessed that
base instinct to players and managers over the last few days, the majority have used the same phrase: "It's part of the game."
Whose rules are these, Mr Blatter?
But let there be sunshine and some
base instinct seeps from the souls of certain young men who think it is their mission in life to assault the world with disjointed music at a decibel level that would ground a Boeing on health and safety reasons.
Season of growing noise: outlook not sunny
I don't think for one minute it's Mr Waters intention, but to home in on an unfortunate, exploited sector of migrants is to give fuel to those whose
base instinct is to blame immigrants for all society's ills.
Viewpoints Don't simplify immigration
Across the board there is no reliable way of reversing the
base instinct of these people and turning their interest away from children.
No cure for the child sex beasts born to be evil; FBI's top crime expert gives chilling warning on child abuse
Appealing to the
base instinct of defending your own race at the expense of others while attacking people of a different religion or colour is the way Hitler began.
Voice Of The Daily Mirror: The evil that never fades
He said voters had become "disengaged and disen franchised" with the Fianna Fail/PD coalition and added: "It's that same
base instinct that sees them intent on rushing a referendum on June 11 to divert attention from their own broken promises.
base instincts and warped considerations are allowed to derail a man, he has his inner head to blame.
APC And Its Inner Head
The Welsh have always been a tolerant, welcoming nation but Brexit appears to have unleashed the most
base instincts in so many people.
Profound sense of sadness and shame
Coupled with blistering heat and herbal aromas, "all these, to the mind of travellers, were very conducive to arousing
base instincts and sexual desires," Severis said.
Shattered image: not 'an island of Aphrodites'