

A nickname for the baritone saxophone. I started out playing the alto sax, but I like the bari much better.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and bary (ˈbæri)
n. a baritone saxophone, the saxophone with a pitch range approximating that of the human baritone voice. (Musicians.) Willy played the bari when he was in college. He pawned his bary and made everybody happy.


See bari
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • pillow-biter
  • out of one's
  • (I've) got to go
  • #dead
  • save someone's skin
  • (something) blows
  • other than
References in periodicals archive
Pascal Bary: predicts a bright future for Ice Breeze The Willie Mullins-trained Renneti faired best in fourth, having just missed the break under Pierre-Charles Boudot.
According to the daily's report, Abdel Bary entered Turkey disguised as an immigrant.
MI5 have put Bary on their list of Jihadi John suspects.
Unless the 8,000 "rubles" was flagrantly extravagant in comparison with its alleged purpose (which seems not to have attracted the attention of the Moscow Revolutionary Tribunal or the investigator as being the case), Bary is owed a considerable debt by intellectual and legal history for his role in helping two important contributions to ultimately appear.
In addition, new photos were discovered showing Bary with plastic explosives.
Bary senior, 53, is awaiting trial in America after an extradition fight in the UK costing the taxpayer hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Bary, who is known as L Jinny and whose music has featured on Radio 1, is one of six children of Adel Abdul Bary, 53, who is suspected of being involved in al-Qaeda bombings.
Prof Abdel Bary said it has been a privilege to be able to bring together a comprehensive guide for Qatar's flora.
After the ruling in Europe, the Home Office said Hamza, Bary, Ahmad, Al-Fawwaz and Ahsan, would be "handed over to the US authorities as quickly as possible".
Bary and Al-Fawwaz were indicted - with Osama bin Laden and 20 others - for their alleged involvement in, or support for, the bombing of US embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in 1998.
Ahsan has been held in custody since 2006, while Bary and al-Fawwaz were arrested in 1998, making them the longest-held detainees without trial in the UK.
The Houston-area environmental organizations will use the grant funds to hire a technical advisor to review EPA, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and other federal and state agencies' technical and scientific documents related to the Superfund site in Harris County, Texas, EPA Region 6 spokesman Dave Bary reported.
The most widely distributed positive story about newspaper stocks was last Monday's epistle by Dow Jones' Andrew Bary, which was included in the latest issue of the company's SmartMoney magazine (the article was also made available to Barron's subscribers on Saturday and Wall Street Journal web site readers on Sunday).