face it

face it

To recognize the truth; to face reality. Often used an imperative. Face it, Hannah, you never wanted to go on this trip. He needs to face it and realize that his grades are not good enough for the schools he's applying to.
See also: face
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • let's face it
  • be as white as a sheet
  • get out of one's face
  • get out of (one's) face
  • get out of face
  • get face
  • be (as) white as snow
  • get out of someone's face
  • get out of my face
  • Get out of my face!
References in periodicals archive
If two or more peopleclaim to have the same face it's obviously likely it is a fake account.
The green-eyed monster has an ugly face It's a common trait of the human race Jealousy is a mighty strong emotion Often the cause of great commotion Apparently jealousy comes from the heart Which can tear lovers and couples apart Jealousy in fact is often misplaced Often leaving the guilty very red faced Perhaps it's best to keep our emotions in check Left to run wild they can have a devastating effect We have all looked the green-eyed monster in the eye Yes in the mirror you have met eye to eye So when the green-eyed monster eventually appears You have been warned it could all end in tears GEORGE McLANDERS
Imran doesn't realise the storm he is about to face It's down to Sally that his saucy sibling secret comes out, when she discovers that he's sleeping with them both.
One wrote: "Oh no it's awful I've had shingles twice in my face it's awful."
Whatever the challenges you face it's important to transmit sport to youngsters.
"For me personally it's been a real life-affirming journey, because ultimately whatever situations we face it's just reasserted my long-held belief that all Welsh people are incredible."
"I didn't realise the impression I'd made on him but I'm always being told I've got the kind of ugly face it's hard to forget."
So support local comedy because if one city can be guaranteed to put a smile back on your face it's Liverpool.
Council Leader, Councillor Bob Cook, said: "Despite the significant challenges we face it's good to see that the council has been commended for planning and delivering realistic and practical savings plans.
If they scream when you hold them to your face it's because your nostril hair looks like two snarling dogs.
The stadium is looking great at the moment but no matter who we face it's going to be tough.
Looking at his smiling face it's hard to believe the ordeal he's been through.
It has made little difference Tomy way of livin' I don't feel any different Just what has it given?' It's given us nothing My Liverpool lad But shown the world What we already had It's in our buildings It's there, in your face it's in our humour It's there, in your face It's in our music It's there, in your face It's in our art It's there, in your face It's in our warmth It's there, in your face It's in our ways Those who come for eight hours And stay for eight days Those who ask directions And are taken not shown Those who come as strangers And leave feeling known So stop your moaning My Liverpool lad The Capital's been given The Culture we already had.
"When you see the pain in his face it's pointless trying to force him, it's very frustrating for him and for us."
When a mutilated corpse turns up in the engine room, we're told: "Without a uniform and without a face it's going to be hard to ID him."