
Related to eyewash: eyebath


1. Literally, a solution used to cleanse the eyes of contaminants. The professor was quick to administer eyewash to the student who was splashed with chemicals during the experiment.
2. Nonsense or foolishness. His explanation is total eyewash and doesn't answer the question at all.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. n. nonsense; deception. It’s not eyewash! It’s true!
2. n. liquor. You’ve been putting away a lot of that eyewash, haven’t you?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • flush with
  • flush with (something)
  • literally
  • swear in
  • beat the (living) daylights out of (one)
  • beat the hell out of
  • beat the hell out of (one)
  • beat the tar out of (one)
  • beat/knock/kick the hell out of somebody/something
References in periodicals archive
"In many labs, the eyewash station is not well-located, not well-marked, and difficult to find," says Stiebris director of global safety sales at Speakman.
(1979), and Trial Balloons (1982), Breer combined the drawing technique of Man and His Dog with the editing style of Recreation and Eyewash. The images move seamlessly in and out of abstraction and, through cutting, are thrown alarmingly in and out of illusory space.
He continued, "MFGmatch is committed to offering complete occupational safety solutions suitable for various industries with the launch of its latest directory and expo featuring a broad selection of industrial safety supply offerings from trusted domestic and pre-approved international manufacturers and distributors." Stewart concluded, "Companies can utilize the site to explore all types of safety equipment from eyewear, protective clothing, emergency training materials and warning signs for outdoor and indoor use to a wide variety of earplugs, nitrile gloves, respirators and emergency eyewash and shower equipment."
* Do your eyewash stations meet all safety requirements?
DESD itself adopted a policy requiring the wearing of safety shoes by employees in all warehouses, and the team set up a program to ensure routine servicing of emergency eyewash stations.
* For strong acids or strong caustics, the eyewash should be immediately adjacent to the hazard.
Yet a single drop of a commercial eyewash, chosen to simulate sweat, slashed the plastic ball's coefficient of friction by 55 percent, the scientists claim.
Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust has administered one too many doses of eyewash.
Blair now admits the rubbish we were told about WMDs, the 45 minutes launch and all the rest of it was so much eyewash.
Biopharmaceutical reactor production unit incorporates the latest developments for the manufacture of vaccines, eyewash fluids, tablet coatings, adhesives, syrups, and other personal care products.
Eyewash stations should be placed in potentially hazardous locations and first aid instructions should be posted in the immediate vicinity.
The same week the administration eyewash quoted above appeared, the Washington Post also reported that Libya's nuclear arms designs--recently examined by investigators--were traced to China, through Pakistan; some documents were even written in Chinese text.
Talking about the Institute's own Monet painting, the pounds 5 million-rated Church at Varengeville, Prof Verdi dismisses the great impressionist's work as 'eyewash'.
When caustic and corrosive materials are used outdoors, providing an emergency eyewash and shower can be a challenge.
Each lab is equipped with the necessary safety devices for all the sciences, including fume hoods, showers and eyewash stations.