Stuart's reporting in 1996 and 1998 mobilized blacks nationwide and probably influenced President Clinton's decision to commute Smith's sentence, releasing her from prison after eight years at the end of 2000, six months after Emerge's death.
Other gems among the 107 selections in The Best of Emerge Magazine include seven Friendly Fire columns by Lauren Adams DeLeon that showcase Emerge at its puckish best.
The Best of Emerge Magazine
The service-learning opportunity combined with the reflective activity of journaling creates the forum for these intended outcomes to
emerge. On the other hand, the reflective experience of journaling spurred the emergence of two unintended outcomes.
Analyzing student journals in a service-learning course
When periodical cicadas
emerge, once every 13 or 17 years, local outdoor restaurants languish.
Cicada Subtleties
Given the dominance of invertebrate animal species in the biosphere, more invertebrate pathogens will likely
emerge as agents of human infection.
Nematode symbiont for photorhabdus asymbiotica
By tracking the activity of Distal-less, the team learned that eyespots bloom late in the final stages of growth, just before butterflies
emerge from their cocoons.
Butterfly wings it with a few genes
Pathogens in taxa with high mutation rates, antigenic diversity, and short generation times may rapidly adapt to new hosts (28,29), and recent evidence suggests that RNA viruses are the most likely group to
emerge in humans (26,30), possibly because of their high mutation rate (31).
Community epidemiology framework for classifying disease threats
New pathogens, new antimicrobial resistance, and new routes of transmission continue to
emerge as public health challenges.
International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases
Whether epidemics will continue to expand in size and geographic distribution or whether a more sporadic pattern of occurrence will
emerge is still unclear.
West Nile virus Southeast Conference (1). (Conference Summary)
In the meantime, infections continue to
emerge: new infections resulting from changes or evolution of existing organisms, known infections spreading to new geographic areas or populations, previously unrecognized infections appearing in areas undergoing ecologic transformation, old infections reemerging as a result of antimicrobial resistance in known agents or breakdowns in public health measures.
The Emerging Infectious Diseases journal: a time of transition. (Editorial)