The informal sector
emancipates her from such traditional Black women's roles as mother and domestic worker.
Noir by noirs: towards a new realism in Black cinema
The only authentic solution to this quandary, of course, is to
emancipate our nation from the UN and evict the body from our shores--an approach not in favor with the globalist clique controlling the Bush administration.
ICC still threatens U.S. soldiers. (Insider Report)
Sexual predators determined to overcome the obstacle of parental authority are eagerly promoting similar efforts to "
emancipate" children today.
The "emancipated" child: the UN aims to free children from parental authority and make them wards of the state, a move that will abolish the family and leave children vulnerable to sexual exploitation. (Child Grab)
for political and social historians such apparent frivolity is out of keeping with the struggle of the lower orders to
emancipate themselves."(p.
Theatre and Disorder in Late Georgian London
The proclamation did not
emancipate any slaves in those portions of the Confederacy that the Union army had already reconquered, including all of Tennessee and large portions of Virginia and Louisiana." In other words, the Emancipation Proclamation was an ultimatum delivered to the seceding states rather than a presidential decree freeing slaves everywhere.
The Right Answers
There's a long way to go, obviously, but this is still very encouraging in light of the fact that this bill is the first serious legislative effort to
emancipate our nation from the UN.
The Way to Win
A few slaves might accumulate sufficient cash to buy their freedom or
emancipate loved ones.
The Economy and Material Culture of Slaves: Goods and Chattels on the Sugar Plantations of Jamaica and Louisiana
To make this staggering assertion work, Hansen overlooks a generation of scholars who have shown that throughout the 19th and early 20th century mass movements to
emancipate immigrant workers, women and African Americans were framed in a republican language hostile to monopoly capital.
Babel and Babylon: Spectatorship in American Silent Film
His will left most of his wealth to his first eight children, but the most valuable property was to be sold and the money used to purchase and emancipate Hannah, his second wife, and her four children.
It was, therefore, not coincidental that legatees began to question parental decisions to emancipate when their own inheritances were markedly diminished.
"A class of people neither freemen nor slaves": from Spanish to American race relations in Florida, 1821-1861
Hurston's narrative choices and structures in the text, suggests Duplessis, reinforce the notion of (Black) "women's culture" as "a binding force." Dolan Hubbard's article explores Hurston's uses of "church and extrachurch" modes of expression to narrate "the emergence of a female self in a male-dominated world." As Janie Crawford, the protagonist, appropriates sermonic language and the authority inherent in it, Hubbard claims that she
emancipates herself, converts and empowers her friend Pheoby, and achieves communal intimacy.
Critical Essays: Zora Neale Hurston
Rather, CRT is a bona fide and avant-garde movement that leads to praxis--explicitly and courageously speaking to the injustices that prohibit people of color from exercising freedoms that whites have come to enjoy--that
emancipates oppressed persons from a life of destituteness.
Overcoming Being in a Nadir: The Harsh Realities of a Society Created for Whites
Aidoo rejected the argument that Western education
emancipates African women.
Aidoo, Ama Ata