bark at the moon

bark at the moon

To make appeals in vain. Good luck talking to the principal, but I think you'll just be barking at the moon—I doubt you'll get a better grade.
See also: bark, moon
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • bay at the moon
  • howl
  • you'll catch your death
  • you'll catch your death (of cold)
  • go all out
  • go all out for something
  • you'll never guess
  • from Missouri, I'm
  • all better
  • (one) should be so lucky
References in periodicals archive
Festival boss Doug Brandon says: "We've planned it so Ozzy will take the stage singing Bark at the Moon right at the moment when the sky goes dark for the eclipse.
Ozzy's microphone was cutting in and out and Wylde's guitar was too loud during "Bark at the Moon," but those sound problems were fixed by the time the band exploded into "Mr.
But a racuous Bark at the Moon soon gets them into shape.
BARK AT THE MOON: In the episode Tooth & Claw, not only do the Doctor and Rose get up close and personal with Queen Victoria (Pauline Collins) in the Highlands, they also have to face a group of power hungry monks and a vicious werewolf
Sonia Fowler: Bark At The Moon. Susan Mayer (Desperate Housewives): American Idiot.
"Don't know whether to wind our watch or bark at the moon."
Since turning solo in 1980 - albums include Bark at the Moon and Diary of a Madman - Ozzy has sold a further 35 million records.
"And believe it or not, his favourite track is Ozzy's Bark At The Moon.
Guitarist Steve Forward captures the whole spectrum of Tony Iommi with classics like War Pigs, Killing Yourself to Live, Iron Man and Children of the Grave, while Ozzy's guitar wizardry is displayed with frightening ease through Randy Rhoads and Zakk Wylde with songs like Mr Crowley, Bark at the Moon, I Don't Know and Crazy Train.
MOST of Tommy Sheridan's policies may bark at the moon but no one can doubt he has added colour and life to the Scottish political scene.
He said: ``We're playing all the hits such as Bark At The Moon and Suicide Solution, plus a tribute to Black Sabbath, including Paranoid.'' Email has joined forces with Scots promoters DF Concerts too ffer a lucky reader and a friend tickets for the gig and the chance to hang out backstage.
Since going solo in 1980, the now 53-year-old has cemented himself into the heritage of rock with albums such as Bark At The Moon, No Rest For The Wicked and Ozzmosis.
Adapted from Bark At The Moon (Simon & Schuster, pounds 5.99) by AMANDA CABLE.
It's hard to imagine the band striking up Osbourne's single Bark at the Moon at an official reception.
The Aston hell-raiser's 1983 solo classic Bark At The Moon features in Spotify's short list of tracks most likely to appear on spooky Halloween play lists.