barf bag

barf bag

A bag readily available for one to vomit into. "Barf" is a slang term for vomit. When I was pregnant and dealing with morning sickness, I had to carry a barf bag around with me everywhere, just in case. Do airlines still supply travelers with barf bags?
See also: bag, barf
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

barf bag

n. a bag available on an airplane for persons who are nauseated. I hope I never even have to see anyone use a barf bag.
See also: bag, barf
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • buicks
  • talk to Ralph on the big white (tele)phone
  • talk to Huey on the big white (tele)phone
  • Barf City
  • hurl
  • hurling
  • cooky
  • chow
  • barfola
  • barf
References in periodicals archive
According to Stratakos, she felt a little light-headed following a long taxi ride to the airport and as a precaution asked the flight attendant for the barf bag. However, the flight crew incorrectly assumed she was sick and asked her to get off the plane. 
* You authorize Barf Bag Week to charge your credit card $9.95 each month after the free trial unless you cancel.
The list of influences offers only a sense of how far pic is positioned from the nearest gross-out comedy barf bag, and though toplining Julia Roberts ensures a fine opening tally, the emphatically mature (though never salacious) tone and style, plus uninspiring word of mouth, will dampen B.O.
The Holliston resident, who switched his voting designation from independent to Republican last year, became known for distributing his unusual campaign handout, a "barf bag." On the campaign trail, Mr.
The picture of confidence, Elton held court on the center aisle rather than pace in the back with barf bag, as is the custom of most nervous creatives about to be savaged by the New York Times.
Lamb's standard campaign handout, a "barf bag," and a synthetic blue pig the candidate uses to represent government pork.
Lamb's quirky campaign handout, the barf bag. The white paper bags, which he distributes in lieu of traditional fliers, are for voters who are "sick of Congress."
A customer who recently accepted the challenge "dug in" to the theme music from the movie "Rocky." He didn't ask for seconds, or a barf bag, according to Powell.
McDermott's first taste of horror was being handed a "barf bag" when he and his dad passed by the old Capitol Theater in Worcester, which was showing "Mark of the Devil."
And the theater made sure in its newspaper advertisements to stress the fact that every attendee would receive a barf bag, because the violence was reputedly so intense and graphic it caused shocked patrons to projectile vomit in the aisles.
If he does feel ill there is a supply of "barf bags".
Appearing on giant screens, Sue explained that the mystery items were, in fact, "barf bags" because the show was "so sickly sweet".
He then coarsened his message with references to "puke politics" (his aides handed out barf bags and plastic vomit puddles to reporters) and vows to "kick some serious butt."
It sent them scrambling for barf bags. This, of course, made Greathouse laugh even harder.
If we would like to try it, bring our own barf bags and come on down.