

1. verb To vomit. I felt like I was going to barf from seasickness out on that boat.
2. verb To malfunction, usually of a computer. Can you take a look at my computer? It keeps barfing.
3. noun Vomit. Ugh, the sight of barf instantly makes me gag.
4. An expression of frustration, disgust, etc. Did I just get a parking ticket? Ugh, barf. She's dating the obnoxious guy from my econ class? Barf.

barf bag

A bag readily available for one to vomit into. "Barf" is a slang term for vomit. When I was pregnant and dealing with morning sickness, I had to carry a barf bag around with me everywhere, just in case. Do airlines still supply travelers with barf bags?
See also: bag, barf

Barf City

Someone or something that is very unpleasant or repulsive. "Barf" is a slang term meaning "vomit." I'm not going to prom with that zit-faced nerd! Barf City! A: "Mom wants us to spend all day cleaning out the garage." B: "Ugh, Barf City."
See also: barf, city

barf out

1. verb To become very emotional or nervous. I nearly barfed out when I heard that I had to perform first in the school talent show. Mom will barf out if you come home after curfew again.
2. verb To annoy or repulse someone. A noun or pronoun can be used between "barf" and "out." I'm not going to prom with that creep! He totally barfs me out!
3. noun Someone or something that is bad or terrible. Sometimes hyphenated. Spending all day cleaning out the garage is a total barf out.
4. An expression of frustration, disgust, etc. Does Mom really want us to spend all day cleaning out the garage? Ugh, barf out! She's dating the obnoxious guy from my econ class? Barf out.
See also: barf, out

barf up

To expel something by vomiting. Oh great, the cat just barfed up a hairball.
See also: barf, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

barf out

Sl. to become deranged, to a greater or lesser degree. Terry barfed out when he heard about the damage Nick had done to his car. Yuck! I thought I was going to barf out.
See also: barf, out

barf someone out

Sl. to disgust someone. (Fixed order.) You just barf me out! I barf myself out every time I look in the mirror.
See also: barf, out
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

barf up

v. Slang
To eject some contents of the stomach by vomiting: He barfed up his dinner because the food was spoiled. She was so sick she was even barfing soup up.
See also: barf, up
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.


1. in. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. I think I’m going to barf!
2. n. vomit. Is that barf on your shoe?
3. in. [for a computer] to fail to function. My little computer barfs about once a day. Something is wrong.
4. and barfola (bɑrfˈolə) interj. dammit; Good grief! (Often Barfola!) Barfola! You’re out of your mind! When he said “Barf!” I felt wow, so vintage!

barf bag

n. a bag available on an airplane for persons who are nauseated. I hope I never even have to see anyone use a barf bag.
See also: bag, barf

Barf City

n. someone or something disgusting or undesirable. (Barf = vomit.) The guy is so gross! Just plain Barf City!
See also: barf, city

Barf out!

exclam. This is awful! (California.) Barf out! Get a life!
See also: barf

barf out

in. to become very upset; to freak out; to psych out. I nearly barfed out when I heard he was coming.
See also: barf, out

barf someone out

tv. to totally disgust someone. God! That kind of music just barfs me out! Who can stand all that slow stuff?
See also: barf, out, someone


n. an unpleasant person or thing. That guy is a real barf-out.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • barfola
  • going to
  • be in
  • cross over
  • face off
  • face-off
  • answer to
  • bag it
  • bag someone
  • bagging
References in periodicals archive
Personally, I like the fact that a nutritionist has spent years developing and balancing the complete dog food, but for those who want to try out BARF for themselves, keep your dog safe, do the research and ask questions to your vet before you do it.
Washington, Oct 22 (ANI): The thought of eating a rat might make many barf but in some countries, the rodent is a delicacy.
Bydd cyfle i wrando ar Fflur Dafydd a'r Barf yn perfformio a bydd un gwyliwr lwcus yn ennill pecyn o nwyddau gwersylla.
Bu'r Barf a finnau'n gweithio i gwmni Golwg am nifer o flynyddoedd ac rydym, ar lefel bersonol, yn falch dros Dylan Iorwerth a'r fyddin fach o weithwyr.
Enough to bring this meal to a conclusion with a wholesome barf rather than an burp.
Chester bounced back well, but Yeovil doubled their advantage after 56 minutes when Caceres' effort was adjudged to have gone in after crashing down from the underside of the barf.
Among those eating the salmon pizza were Jeff Bewkes, Colin Callender, Carolyn Strauss, Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw, Alan Barf and three dozen vets of Easy Company, portrayed in Band of Brothers."
He's also the person who brought about the Jacob's Pillow performances, since he and DTW's senior producer, Craig Peterson, are the ones who invited Ella Barf, executive director of Jacob's Pillow, to see Robbins's show at DTW.
The author's boa embrace of the connoisseur's creed produces its own kind of angst, and one finds oneself longing for some kind of acute present tense, some fresh blood, maybe a little barf material.
Watching Wit, which plays through January 3 at the intimate MCC Theater, you definitely get to run your own movies of watching someone barf into an orange plastic tub or go spacey from overmedication, not to mention those in which you personally escort a saintly nurse to Stockholm to receive her Nobel prize.
A good idea, I thought, to stand and watch this in the hope that Junior would barf at the prospect of having to clean up dog mess.
North Yorkshire's Detective Inspector Dave Barf said: "We are committed to ensuring UK courts have all the information relevant to the case they are considering at their disposal."
Roedd na bobl o bob oed yno, teuluoedd gyda plant ifanc, pobl mewn oed oedd yn amlwg "mewn i farddoniaeth" o edrych ar eu gwisg a'r ffaith eu bod yn gwisgo barf.
Bydd Y Sibrydion, sydd wedi cael llwyddiant mawr ers rhyddhau eu halbwm gyntaf JigCal yn 2006 hefyd yn ymddangos yn y gyfres, yn ogystal a Frizbee, Steve Eaves a Fflur Dafydd a'r Barf.