
credenza ware

Business information or reports that are displayed for show but otherwise are largely ignored. (A "credenza" is a cupboard.) Apparently, the employee handbook is just credenza ware—no one has actually reviewed it in years.
See also: ware
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. reports that sit on an executive’s credenza, primarily for show. (Contrived.) Everything I send her ends up as credenza ware.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • credenza ware
  • ware
  • snack off
  • snack off (of) (something)
  • be on show
  • there's no getting around (something)
  • there's no getting away from (something)
  • there's no getting away from it
  • thy
  • (something), thy name is (someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
Beware 'Credenzaware'--Too many misguided, ignored, and abandoned strategic initiatives diminish a leader's credibility.
CREDENZAWARE is the term we somewhat humorously use to describe the unrealized output of well-intended organizational studies and project initiatives that all too often find their way to the shelves, disk drives, and credenzas of senior executives.
Credenzaware often has auspicious beginnings; emerging from competitive pressure and best in class intentions, hammered out from long and diligent hours of staff effort, offering provocative recommendations whose subsequent implementation is derailed, discounted, and dumped by the absence of accountability and unclear cause-effect linkage with business outcomes.
* Problem Statement Drift: Credenzaware breeds when a problem is not framed tightly and clearly; when the initial problem statement begins to bob and weave.
Credenzaware saps vitality and diminishes confidence.
Where credenzaware builds up, your board will find an organization that is confused, abused, and "bummed out."