
Related to calf: golden calf

calf love

A mild, generally temporary crush, infatuation, or romantic attraction, especially that which is not expected to last or come to fruition. It's not uncommon for long-term medical patients to experience a bit of calf love for their nurses or doctors after a while. Ben always devotes himself to some new calf love that he can pour his adoration onto, but it never comes to anything serious.
See also: calf, love

golden calf

That which is given inordinate or unworthy praise, worship, or reverence. A reference to an idol mentioned in Exodus 32:4 of the Bible, created and worshipped by the Israelites in the absence of Moses, which was considered blasphemous in God's eyes. It has become apparent that wealth and power have become the golden calves of this country, the attainment of which people prioritize with slavish devotion.
See also: calf, golden

kill the fatted calf

To prepare a lavish celebration, often to welcome someone back from a long absence. The phrase comes from the Biblical parable of the prodigal son, in which a father prepares a feast for his son who has returned home after squandering his fortune. My daughter is coming home from college for the summer, so we're going to kill the fatted calf and have a huge barbecue.
See also: calf, fat, kill

puppy love

A state of short-lived infatuation or romantic attraction among children or adolescents. Puppy love is starting to bloom among many of my fifth-graders.
See also: love, puppy
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

kill the fatted calf

Fig. to prepare an elaborate banquet (in someone's honor). (From the biblical story recounting the return of the prodigal son.) When Bob got back from college, his parents killed the fatted calf and threw a great party. Sorry this meal isn't much, John. We didn't have time to kill the fatted calf.
See also: calf, fat, kill

puppy love

Fig. mild infatuation; infatuation as in a crush. (Used especially of adolescent relationships.) Is it really love or just puppy love? Look at them together. It may be puppy love, but it looks wonderful.
See also: love, puppy
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

kill the fatted calf

Prepare for a joyful occasion or a warm welcome. For example, When Bill comes home from his trip to Korea we're going to kill the fatted calf. This expression alludes to the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), whose father welcomed him by serving the choicest calf after his return. [Early 1600s]
See also: calf, fat, kill

puppy love

Also, calf love. Adolescent love or infatuation, especially one that is not expected to last, as in Beth is besotted with him, but we think it's just puppy love, or He's got a bad case of calf love. [First half of 1800s]
See also: love, puppy
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

kill the fatted calf

If you kill the fatted calf, you do everything you can to welcome back a person who has been away for a period of time. He went away for year, and when he returned, his family didn't exactly kill the fatted calf. Note: This expression comes from the story of the prodigal son which is told by Jesus in the Bible (Luke 5:3-32). In this story, a young man returns home after wasting all the money his father has given him. However, his father is so pleased to see him that he celebrates his return by killing a calf and preparing a feast.
See also: calf, fat, kill

puppy love

Puppy love is love between children or young people that is not considered to be very serious. They wanted to prove that theirs was more than puppy love.
See also: love, puppy
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

kill the fatted calf

produce a lavish celebratory feast.
The allusion is to the New Testament story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11–32), in which the forgiving father orders his best calf to be killed in order to provide a feast to celebrate the return of his wayward son. Fatted is an archaic form of the verb fat meaning ‘make or become fat’. Nowadays we use the forms fatten and fattened .
See also: calf, fat, kill

a golden calf

something, especially wealth, as an object of excessive or unworthy worship.
In the Bible, the golden calf was a statue of gold in the shape of a calf, made by Aaron in response to the Israelites' plea for a god while they awaited Moses' return from Mount Sinai, where he was receiving the Ten Commandments (Exodus, chapter 32).
See also: calf, golden
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

ˌkill the fatted ˈcalf

welcome home somebody who has been away for a long time by having a big celebration: My brother’s coming home tomorrow, so I expect my parents will be killing the fatted calf for him.This is from a story in the Bible, in which a father arranges a special meal when his son returns to the family after a long time away. A fatted calf is a young cow that has been given extra food to make it fat.
See also: calf, fat, kill
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

puppy love

n. mild infatuation; infatuation as in a crush. Look at them together. It may be puppy love, but it looks wonderful.
See also: love, puppy
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

kill the fatted calf, to

To prepare a warm homecoming for a relative or a splendid celebration for a guest. This term alludes to the biblical parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:30), in which one son stayed home and helped his father while the other went abroad and wasted his inheritance. When the second son returned, the father welcomed him with a fine feast, killing a fatted calf in his honor and saying that he who was “lost” has been “found.” The term has signified such a welcome ever since.
See also: fat, kill

puppy love

A youthful infatuation, with the implication that it will not last. It is nearly always spoken of disparagingly, as by W. A. Carruthers (A Kentuckian in New York, 1834): “Oh! it is nothing more than puppy love!”
See also: love, puppy
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer

kill the fatted calf

To hold a celebration, usually a long-awaited homecoming. Luke 15:23 describes the return of the prodigal son as, “And bring here the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry . . .” Although the guest of honor in the biblical parable was a wastrel whose father welcomed home, “to kill the fatted calf” can refer to a party for anyone whom the host is pleased to see.
See also: calf, fat, kill

puppy love

A juvenile crush, an infatuation. The phrase refers to an adolescent male's total devotion to the object of his affection by displaying the uncritical ardor of a young dog to its owner. “Mooning over” and “calf eyes” are apt phrases for such an affliction. The 1960s teen singing idol Neil Sedaka had a hit record of a song by that name.
See also: love, puppy
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • calf love
  • be like ships in the night
  • not for a second
  • not for a minute
  • not for a moment
  • aint
  • ain't
  • not for a instant
  • not for a/one minute/moment/second/instant
  • aren
References in periodicals archive
Calf "pulling" is a misleading term, because we're not actually trying to forcefully pull the calf out of the cow's uterus.
If a calf is miserable and you want to keep him nursing, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug like Banamine can help.
The average values of body weight and calves' measurement did not differ significantly considering the country of origin of the calf's father and the type of its valuation.
2) It consumes over 1kg of the commercial calf supplement.3) It is at least eight weeks old.
"The calf learns to stand within 30 minutes after birth and can run just 10 hours later."
Welfare was also the key priority for Joff Roberts of The Calf Igloo Company, based in North Herefordshire, who rears 1,000 calves a year for Livestock Link.
As of Monday morning, the TV channel's website already had more than 2.1 million viewings of the streaming video, allowing viewers to see scenes such as the calf nuzzling to nurse from her mother, Katie.
A typical healthy birth weight for a calf is 75 pounds.
Hacy Ahmet EuztE-rk, a farmer immediately put his calf which called Sarykyz to the car's back seat and brought it to the veterinary in Yozgat's Ecekerek district.
Recent news articles have reported a growing trend among women of injecting their calf muscles with botulism toxin (Botox[R]) so their legs can fit into skinny jeans, tights, and boots.
The cryptosporidiosis outbreak described in this report was associated with handling preweaned Holstein calves and coming into contact with calf feces while responding to a tractor-trailer rollover.
Within this area, female-calf pairs favor the Au'Au Channel between the Islands of Maui and Lanai, however to date, even though calf behavior varies significantly with calf age, there are no details available on how patterns of habitat use in female-calf pairs may vary as the calves' mature.
The female calf, who is still to be named, arrived at Twycross Zoo when Mother Noorjahan gave birth following a 22 month pregnancy.
TOLD the world that Paul Calf was in Howies - but it was actually Paul Foot - well, foot or calf I knew it was part of the body.
The Sin of the C4 The Rise of the Bible's Negative Attitude Toward the Golden Calf By Young Ho Chung (T and T Clark, $130).