drive around
drive around
1. To drive one to different places or sights. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is usually used between "drive" and "around." When I visited my dad in Philadelphia, he drove me around and showed me all of the historical sites. I had to drive around my mom to six different stores until she found what she was looking for.
2. To drive through different parts of an area. Our neighborhood was so congested tonight that I had to drive around for half an hour before I found a parking space.
3. To drive aimlessly. Ever since Jack got his license, he spends most of his free time just driving around with his friends.
See also: around, drive
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
drive someone around something
to transport a person in a vehicle on a tour of something or some place. Fred will drive you around the city to see the sights. He spent an hour driving himself around town.
See also: around, drive
drive something around something
1. . to steer or propel something around something. Wally drove the small car around the post easily. Please drive your truck around the corner carefully.
2. to go in a vehicle through different parts of a place. He drove his new car around town, hoping everyone would see it. We drove the car around the parade route twice so everyone could get a good look at it.
See also: around, drive
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- drive home
- drive something home
- drive/hammer something home
- drive over
- drive a price up
- drive a/the/(something's) price up
- drive safely
- drive down
- steer through
- steer through (something)