Water soaked cotton for maintaining moisture inside the
cage in glass vials was provided.
Mass Rearing of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) Adults for Integrated Pest Management Programmes
The dogs are designed to stop the
cage in about nine feet after the cage is released.
Free-fall test tower ensures cage safety for Inco's employees
3-4, where he refers to a Cage interview with David Cope, published in The Composer 10/11 [1980]), seeing
Cage in this manner risks perceiving the composer primarily as a philosopher--or, as Rebhahn seems to suggest here, as an enabler of experiences, i.e., Cage as someone who frames an experience to be discovered by musicians and listeners.
John Cage
Peter Yates discussed Cage in conjunction with music and theater, electronic and computer music.
(74) Stefan Schadler and Walter Zimmermann produced an extensive program book for what was to have been an eightieth birthday celebration for Cage in Frankfurt.
(91) On YouTube one may find historic video or film clips of Cage in performance, as well as numerous interpretations of his work by countless performers.
Happy new ears! In celebration of 100 years: the state of research on John Cage
Additionally, she places
Cage in the context of the mid-twentieth-century abstract expressionist art world, psychoanalysis, and the social theory of Foucault arid the constructs of "discourse," "perfor"nativity," and "symbolic investiture." Her article carefully identifies key moments in Cage's biography as moments of "symbolic investiture"; this causes Perloff to complain in the aforementioned review that Robinson implies throughout "that the apparently gentle Cage was on an extended power trip."
John Cage
In the volume, Nicholls successfully places the works of Cage in their cultural context, taking into account his colorful life history as well as diverse intellectual explorations.
In 1942 Cage along with his wife Xenia moved from Chicago to New York, and Nicholls documents the impact of the new environment and the influence of Eastern philosophies upon Cage in the following chapter.
John Cage
Retallack is named as editor of the book, but her more important task is indicated on the cover and concerns the issue of authorship: "John
Cage in conversation with Joan Retallack." Cage gave a great many interviews during the course of his long life (1912-1992) - so many that Richard Kostelanetz was able to collect them into a book-length work (Conversing with Cage [New York: Limelight Editions, 1988]).
John Cage As...